Chapter seven (rejigged)

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Advisory warning this chapter and the chapters to come contain violence and are not recommend for below 13 or even 16, discretion is advised!

Chapter seven

The door flung open in front of me and Jodi stood steering at me"What happened to my details! You didn't call me back!" She was wearing sweats and a baggie hoddie with her hair tied up in a sloppy bun, that was her weakness.

When she was home alone or hanging out with me and Luc, she worse sweats and no make up, it was like our little secret. Jodi Van der Bleck, wore sweats, no make up and lazed around eating pizza and watching movies. If it ever got out the papers would have a field day and Jodi would be mortified, she had put a lot of hard work in creating socialite Jodi. 

I had a chersire cat sized grin on my face as Jodi pulled me into the libaray slash media room, with its big cumfy couches. This room, as well as the roof terrace weren't part of public Jodi, these were here comfort spaces.

We sat down on the bright red, big and puffy-it was the only way to describe it, it made a big poffsound as you sunk into the feather stuffed cushions! 

"Sooooooo!" Jodi said eagerly!

"So.. it was amazing Jodi! I kept waiting to wake up, like it was a dream, it was all so perfect......"

My voice started out excited, by the end of it I was already doubting myself and I could see Jod's reading my mind, sometimes she knew me better than i knew myself.

"Babes, hes not James" she held my hands and looked at me

"I'm scared Jod's, I don't ever want to be in that position again, I don't ever want Lucy to have to witness that. I don't want to be that weak, broken person again, I don't think I could come back from that again." Tears were rolling down my cheeks, then I couldn't stop myself large hiccuping gulps of sobbing, it had been along time since I thought about James and our relationship. I had never really dealt with what had happened; the last four years I had only thought of Lucy and making a better life for us, away from all of them. Jodi just continued to hold me as I let the last four years come out, maybe the emotions I had bottled up my whole life.

After such a great weekend, my emotions were a mess, I couldn't move forward tell I delt with the past.


I woke up in the hospital Emergency Department; with James holding my hand sitting next to me, his head was rested on both of our hands. I don't know how long I had been out of it but it looked dark outside. My head and lip ached, I had been given some kind of pain relief cause I felt all woozy and all light headed like. I could taste the coppery taste of blood in my mouth. The room was a toothpaste green, with that horribly bright fluorescent lighting, I could smell a mixture of disinfectant, blood and vomit; It wasn't a pleasant smell.

"James, where am I what happened?"

"Oh my god, baby, your awake, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to, I love you so much, I'm sorry I wont do it ever again. I was so worried about you, then I thought I was losing you to someone else, please forgive me" he said it kissing my temple, while holding my hand.

He looked so young, so vulnerable, so apologetic, I looked at him. It was my fault really I should have never made him mad like that I should have had my phone on. I was the one who tripped, I put the rug there, it was my fault really. When it came down to it, he loved me and I loved him, and I couldn't imagine my life without him.

"It's ok, I tripped, it wasn't your fault." I said practicing my genuine face, because I'm sure it wont be the last time I say it over the next couple of days. He hugged me hard.

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