Chapter 6

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12 years old

The door bell rang, but no one in the house opened. It rang again. This time the blonde boy, who was half sleeping in his room upstairs, heard it and rolled off of his bed to go and open the door. His steps were louder than he was actually permitted to be but he didn't care. When he ran past the kichen he could see his parents slowly waking up from last nights party. The room smelled of alcohol.
The boy reached the door as the door bell rang for the third time. He unlocked the door and pushed the handle down.

Outside the door stood a young man. His eyes had the same blue color as the boy who'd opened the door. His hair was the same color as the younger boy's hair was under the blonde color he had dyed it with. Both boy's smiled when they saw each other. Though one of the smiles were re real, and one was not.

The older thought he could see that trace of admiration and happiness once again in his brother's when he looked at him. He felt his guilt kick inonce again and his smile started to fade.

His little brother's smile though, only grew. He hadn't met his older brother for months and his brother was the only person he really trusted. He took a step out the door, into the rather cold spring air, and threw his arms around his brothers neck. The older hugged back, even if he felt guilty he was glad to see that his brother was still alive. Still able to smile when he saw him.

"I'm so glad you're here Greg" The younger smiled when he let go of his brother.

"Me too Niall" Greg replied trying to sound normal. "It was a long time, I'm glad to be home" Actually he wasn't. He was never glad fabout being home, he was just glad to meet his brother.

Steps in the hall way made both brothers look up to see their father and mother comming to greet their oldest son. Greg felt a sting of hatered towards them, and when he met his father's cold gaze he got reminded of the moment his father had thrown that plate at him, and he'd decide to leave. He still had a scar from that on his head...

He shook his thoughts off and tried to focus on the reason he was here. For Niall.

"Home after all" His father's cold voice sounded.

"Yeah, but I won't be long" Greg replied sending his father a cold gaze.

"You're leaving again?" Niall's small voice reached them. Greg looked down at his brother, feeling utterly guilty again, but mimed 'later' to the little boy.

Niall went up the stairs first to show Greg his room. There wasn't much that had happened to the room scince last time Greg visited, but Niall was still proud to tell his brother about the new school bag he had bought himself for self earned money.

"Oh, how did you earn it?" Greg asked, serouisly interested.

"Well actually" Niall siad, thinking back at the evening he had earned his first puonds all by himself.

"I was following mum and dad when they were going to buy drinks-" Drinks...shit. did his parents really bring Niall with them when they were going to buy their stupid drinks? Greg wondered, or was it just a coincidence that they went to buy drinks while Niall was with them. He hoped it was.

"They told me to wait outside the shop so I did. I think I was just bored and started singing some random song..." Niall said thinking again. "And then this man just dropped a 10 pound banknote before me, so"

"10 pounds?"

"Yeah..." Niall answered smiling broad. "Great isn't it?"

"Yeah of course" Greg stammed, quite confused by what his little broher told him. So much money... Couldn't he come with Greg then? Sing, earn money, get away from those stupid, not parents, parents? Greg shook the thoughts of his mind. he ddin't actually have the energy to think about all that now. Instead he saaid.

"You've always liked singing, right little broher?" Niall chuckled.

"Think so" Gred smiled and stood up from Niall's bed.

"I'm comming soon" he said and went out of the room down stairs.

Niall stayed sitting on his bed and wondered what his brother would do next. He was really happy to meet greg after those long months. It was like all his normal worries and all the confusing thinking his brain did disappeared when he was with Greg.

Just like when he'd met Harry years ago...

Greg returned several minutes later with a big rectangular package in his arms. Niall felt his mood improve even more, since it seemed like he was going to get a present. He didn't get presents very often, even if it was his birthday, and presents were always something he liked.

"Here ya go" Greg smiled and placed the package in Niall's lap.

"Merry late christmas" Niall laughed quietly at his brother, before starting to untie the strings on his gift.

"Oh my god Greg! Thanks!" Niall almost shouted when the paper fell of his present to reveal a shning new guitar.

"Hope you like it" Greg ssaid, really happy that Niall seemed to enjoy his  gift.

"Of course I do your idiot" Niall laughed, already sitting with his guitar in the right playing osition.

"Is it tuned?" he asked Greg and stoppefroze with his hand ready to strum the guitar strings.

"Probably not"


Luckily Greg could download a quite good tuning app to his phone and with their combined musical knowledge, the brothersto tune the guitar and figure or how to take some simple chords.

iall had thought about asking his brother, about why h'e'd never reallly lived at home with him and their parents, but was way to distracted by his guitarplaying that he forgot about it all. Greg who had felt really guilty about meeting his little brother at first, felt the feeling fade more and more as the day turned into evening and Niall's strums on the guitar turned sorter and sorfter.

Hi! So that's chapter 6 (earlier chapter 5). I'm kinda proud of myself for updation so often. Seven parts in one week and four days! Yay me!

Hope you like it, and if you've read my earlier note, I still need feedback on this. Feels like I've been writing that a lot, but it's true.

How can you improve your writing if you don't know what to do better?

Thanks for reading anyway, and please give feedback or comment if you have ideas for the story.

Thank you (Narry Storan Story) (ON HOLD)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon