Chapter 7

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14 years old

Over the years Niall started to understand how the world actually looked. He started to understand that he was  bullied, and could on no terms escape it. He understood it wasn't really normal that parents drank so much as his did, and that they ususaly didn't beat their kids. Still he didn't do anything about it. Still he thought somewhere deep inside him that it was with him the problem was. 

His parents didn't change like their son did. They kept drinking. Punishing for nothing. Not caring.  

The bullying in school went from teasing and being ignored, to getting flushed at the shool toilets and pushed up against the lockers in the corridors. More phyical senarios, more harassing comments.

  The same group of students as his first school day, had decided that he was a funny toy and was now pointed out as their number one victim. The difference from earlier years was that before, the comments and ignoring moments had come every now and then from almost everybody. Now Niall knew exactly when the time for being bullied was to come. As soon as he saw them, he knew it was time...

Today he thought it was time for another 'being bullied moment' as he liked to call it when he saw tEthan and his friends in the corridor when he was going from science to a geography lesson.

  Ethan wasn't actually the leader of the bullying group, as many groups have their leader, but all five members were actully the leader. The position changed often which too made it harder for Nill to predict who was going to hit him or pull him aroung by his collar. 

They hadn't taken notice of Niall yet, though. The corridor was really full of studentswho were taking things out of their lockers or oushing their way forward to a classroom. Niall alread had his books and the classroom was quite close. He wondered if he would make it to the classroom without any of them seeing him, and decided to try.
  He slipped by two older girls who blocked his path and tried to fasten his pace as soon as he got to a little less crowded place. Ethan and his friends seemed to slowly disappear into the crowd as Niall got closer to his classroom. He was just going to  walk past the last set of lockers when he felt something, or someone, push hard at his shoulder. Shit.

 Niall felt his body shake and himself loosing his balance. His feet slipped at the floor and his world was turned upside down when he fell onto his stomach on the cold stone floor. The person who had pushed him took a step closer and Niall expected to soon hear laughs, before feeling a foot in his side or something like that. 
  But he heard no laughs. No kick in the side. Just a hand on his shoulder and a soft deep voice.

"Oh I'm so sorry. Are you hurt?" Niall saw a hand stretching down infront of him for him to take. Strange, he thought but took the hnd that was offered for him. The person was really strong and pulled him up from the floor almost efortlessly. 

"I'm so sorry" the person repeated but Niall could not hear him. He could only see him and feel as his heart beats quicken...

The person who had helped him up was a boy. He was taller than Niall (almost everyone in his grade was taller than him) and dressed in a plain white t-shirt. His hair was chocolate brown and curly. His eyes were a deep emerald green color, which reminded Niall of a forest. 'The campfire forest'...

"Ha...Harry?" Niall managed to stutter through his hold breath. His brain once again stopped working. His mind was once agin empty, just like it had been seven years ago.

  Joy. Wonder. Hope.

The curly haired boy's eyebrows furrowed for a moment when he studdied Niall and his brain tried to remember if he'd met that boy before. 

"N-Niall?" he whispered after both boys had stood frozen in their own whirling worlds for quite a time. "Is, is it really you?" Harry continued as memories of some field day years ago flowed back into his mind. Slowly he thought that he really recogniced the other boy before him. That dyed hair, those blue eyes were kind of familliar. 

"Yes Harry" Niall's voice reached Harry, whose brain had just understood who it was standing in front of him. 

"Oh my god Niall I haven't seen you since-" Harry started but trailed of when Niall lost control over what his fellings wanted, and threw his arms around Harry's neck.

  Harry felt like he'd just found a very long lost friend. A friend he hadn't thought he needed, but who seemed to place a puzzle pice in his life on the right place. Maybe that was how it was. He hadn't seen Niall in like, seven years? So 'long lost' felt like the right thing. 

They both soon realized that it was almost impossible to stand in that corridor hugging, as the place was still very crowded, and sad to do it Harry had to slowly loose Niall's grip around him. Niall let out a quiet breath as his arms were left to hang empty at his sides and he could already feel Harry getting further away from him. He didn't want that. He never wanted to loose Harry again. 

The strange thing was that they had only met once before. Become friends and been separated again. None of them had 'really' thought of the other one as a friend he'd lost, but still they both felt completed by this reunion. Completed and broken though. 

"I'm so sorry, but my lesson starts right now" Harry mumbled and made Niall realized that he had just stood there and looked at the other boy. Harry nodded his head apologetically at the classroom door which had just opened and made the corrior a little less crowded as students went there to have their lesson. 

"It's okay...I'm just happy too have met you again-" Niall said, feeling his voice tremble miserably. Harry smiled half sad and half happily at him before replying.

"Me too" The warmth in his voice made Niall's brain go dizzy again and his feelings were even more overwhelming. Harry was just going to turn his back at Niall when he saw something in a messy pile on the floor. He bent down to see two geography books who obviously ought to be Niall's. 

"Here by the way" he said and handed the books to Niall. "Sorry again for hitting you. But you can't deny that some bumps on the road can lead to good things." Harry smiled one last shining smile before he went into his classroom, leaving Niall as the last time they'd met. Only this time it wouldn't take seven years until they met again.

BAD! Sorry for such a not well written chapter like this one, but if you want to update your story a specific day you want to. Even if it's not good.




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