Chapter 11: Unquenchable lust...fiery reunion!

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Oliver Bennett vs. Adrian Graham

Pix of a yummylicious Oliver



"I thought I told you to stay away from me."

Adrian straightened from putting the cooked food into the oven and turned at the sound of Oliver's voice. He stood in the doorway to the kitchen, looking disheveled from his sleep. With his arms folded across his chest and his sexy arse covered in a hot red boxer briefs, Oliver looked as sexy as all fuck!

"Listen Oliver, I'm sorry." Adrian said quietly. "I really don't know what else to say besides sorry. I made a mistake. A huge one. But you have to forgive me." He dropped the napkin he was holding onto the Kitchen Island and relaxed against it with ankles and arms crossed. "You don't have any choice. Know why?" Adrian had to suppress the urge to laugh at the confused and incredulous look on Oliver's face. "You're mine." He stated simply.

Oliver's face flushed with anger and indignation. For a moment he looked lost for words, then his lips began to move. "I can't do this right now." Oliver spoke through gritted teeth. "You have to leave."

"I'm not going anywhere Oliver."

"What?" Oliver looked surprised at Adrian's response. "Did your mother drop you on your head when you were a baby? I said I don't want you in my home. Just..."

"I never meant what we had to go this far." Adrian said quietly. "I never meant to let you in. But then I should not have kissed you that first time. And certainly not the second." They both clearly remembered the unbridled sex that had followed their first kiss. "There's this light in you so bright it makes me feel like I don't even deserve to be in your presence. But I feel lucky that I get the chance to be. And although of late I've been feeling as if I don't deserve all the joy and bliss I know you can give me, I've decided I do. And I'm never going to let you go."

"Well, good for you." Oliver rasped sneeringly. "And good luck in holding on to me."

"I love you Oliver." Adrian's voice cracked, the unmistakable vulnerability sifting through his intense amber eyes, shocking Oliver. "I've been in love with you for a long time." He swallowed hard. "I think I loved you the moment I saw you. And when we made love for the first time, it became something more. I was just too blind to see it. I need you in my life, Oliver. I can't live without you. I made a stupid mistake. Don't give up on me. Please." The vulnerability etched on his gorgeous face undid Oliver. He gasped. It was obvious Adrian was being truthful.

Oliver's legs almost buckled, the enormity of hearing Adrian say those words to him almost stole the strength right from his body. He stared at Adrian. The man he loved more than anything in the world. The man who had shattered his world with just a few words. Hearing Adrian say he loved him should have blown him away. He'd waited to hear those words for what seemed like an eternity. But now that he finally had, he was too hurt to feel that joy. All he wanted to do was hurt Adrian too. Give him a taste of his own medicine. Make him experience what it felt like to be rejected and hurt by the one you loved.

"I didn't come directly home from the airport." Oliver began quietly. "I needed to forget. So I went to visit an old acquaintance. We had sex." He shrugged nonchalantly. "I needed that. And it was really good." He watched Adrian's face, saw the flash of pain in his eyes, saw how suspiciously bright those intense suddenly became, and felt an answering pain in his own heart but ignored it and went on. "He's coming over to spend the night have to go."

Adrian went very still, eyes narrowed to steely slits...suddenly glittering dangerously as he stared at Oliver...almost as if he was trying to read him. For a moment he looked like he was going to raise hell but a calm settled over his features and he visibly softened.

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