Chapter 10: Unquenchable lust...the bombshell!

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Oliver Bennett vs. Adrian Graham

Pix of a disturbed Adrian about to cook for Oliver



"What?" Oliver raised an eyebrow curiously. "What's on your mind?"

They were sitting in one of the comfortable couches in the plush living room around mid-morning, watching the newscaster give unnecessary warning about the weather. It was already pouring for goodness sake. Maybe if those warnings had come earlier, most people wouldn't have ventured out in the first place. Sandra and Mark had left to go shopping before the rains had started. Sandra had insisted she needed some stuff to prepare a nice lunch for Adrian and Oliver. Bella was nowhere to be found. They obviously had the house to themselves. Oliver had been in the house for four days, ensuring that Adrian ate well and stayed away from alcohol. He was proud of what he'd been able to accomplish. Adrian had gained some weight back. He looked well and surprisingly, even more sexy. They hadn't done anything intimate since he'd blown Adrian on his second day. And they had still not spoken much but Oliver just loved being with Adrian. He loved the guy.

As usual, he'd caught Adrian staring at him so had finally decided to ask him what he was thinking. Whatever was on his mind...troubling him, would be better out in the open.

"I asked you a question, Adrian." Oliver said softly as he turned his body to face Adrian on the couch.

"Nothing that can't wait." Adrian mumbled.

"Say it." Oliver said sternly and watched as Adrian nodded.

"First of all, I'd like to say a big thank you for what you've been doing for me Oliver. I can never thank you enough."

"Josh and Pearl need you, Adrian." Oliver said softly. "Try to remember that the next time you feel like...indulging."

Adrian nodded. "I'll remember that. I would also like to apologize for my...behaviour after the..."

"You were grieving. I understand." Oliver said quietly.

"Really?" Adrian tilted his head and looked at Oliver who nodded slowly. "Well, the other thing I wanted to tell you was that..." Adrian took a deep breath. This was it. "I think it will be better if we don't...continue with...what we had, Oliver. I enjoyed every moment we spent together. It was pure heaven. But now I just want to concentrate on my children, just be there for them. I know this may come as a blow but...that's what I want. That is the right thing to do. There's no room for..." Adrian trailed off, stifling a groan at the stunned and hurt expression on Oliver's handsome face.

But though Adrian hadn't completed his last sentence, Oliver didn't have to be a genius to know what he'd been about to say. There was no room in his life for Oliver. To say Oliver was devastated would be an understatement. His chest grew tight and hot. There were a myriad of emotions running through him at that particular instant. Sadness, shock, anger, humiliation but most of all, Oliver was hurt. Yes, Donna had warned him. But that had still not prepared him for the pain in his chest. He'd thought Adrian disappearing on him after Donna's death was what Donna had warned him about. He'd never thought Adrian would actually open his mouth and say something so cruel and hurtful like what he'd just said, to him. It felt as if his heart was being ripped out of his chest. He knew he had to fight. He'd promised Donna. Even if he hadn't, he had to fight for what he wanted...and that was Adrian. But at that very moment, Oliver felt so shattered he just needed to get away. Maybe he would find the strength to fight another time. But definitely not that day. He knew he would breakdown if he didn't get away fast. That would be the ultimate humiliation. And he really didn't want to give Adrian that satisfaction.

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