Chapter 6: Unquenchable lust...the talk!

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Oliver Bennett vs. Adrian Graham

Pix of Donna's magical garden



For a moment, Oliver thought he'd stepped into a page of a fairy-tale. The garden was simply magnificent. The perfectly preened hedges, the unprecedented wealth of spectacular floral displays planted in endless varieties, the slick modern landscaping alternated with the beautiful works was so breathtakingly beautiful it actually kept Oliver stunned for some time. He could see peacocks proudly prancing around. A soft splash drew his attention to a beautiful fountain to his left but a gasp tore out of his throat when he saw the man-made waterfall further up the huge garden. The sound of the splashing water attracted different types of birds, bringing life and motion to the whole setting and in effect, connecting a human to nature.

Though the superb well-executed, integrated design of the garden made it look effortless, it was obvious that a great deal of immense skill and razor-sharp attention to detail had gone into its construction. The passionate serenity of that garden soothed and calmed Oliver so much so that he totally forgot all the dread and apprehension that had made him feel sick on his way to Adrian's house.

"Calm down, Oliver." Adrian had kept telling him as he drove them towards his house. He'd held Oliver's hand throughout the drive.

Unlike Oliver, Adrian was okay with the meeting because he had the advantage of knowing Donna and what she wanted to do. Oliver didn't have that luxury. When they entered the gate of the large estate, Oliver's eyes had widened in shock.

"Dude, this is not a house. It's a villa." He'd gasped, making Adrian laugh. "Just how wealthy are you?"

"I guess I was rich even before I was born." Adrian chuckled. "My filthy rich grandfather died when my mother was pregnant with me. He willed all his wealth to his unborn grandchild. So..."

Adrian drove them into the large compound of the outstanding fifteen-bedroom villa. The residence oozed luxury and glamour, its exteriors alone revealing exquisite tastes and sophisticated facilities.

"It's fabulously magnificent." Oliver breathed.

And when Adrian drove him to the back of the house, right into that big marvelous garden, Oliver's jaw had dropped. And even as he led him to the beautifully displayed outdoor rattan tables, chairs and recliners on the black limestone patio, Oliver had still not been able to utter a word. That was how overwhelming the garden was. It took your breath away.

Oliver sat alone, taking in the beautiful scene as he waited for Donna. Adrian had asked him to wait whilst he went inside to fetch his wife. Oliver looked down at himself, hoping he was dressed okay. He'd changed his outfit about four times before finally settling on blue jeans, white Henley shirt and black boots.

"You look totally hot." Adrian had murmured huskily when he'd come to pick him up.

"Shit, that's not the look I was going for." Oliver had moaned worriedly.

"Hey, no matter what you wear, you look hot." Adrian had drawled. "So don't bother." He'd tenderly pushed back the strand of hair falling in Oliver's eyes. "You don't have any idea just how sexy you are, do you?" He'd whispered, leaning forward to kiss him.

So there he was, in a simple jeans and top, sitting on a stylishly classic patio, smack in the most beautiful garden he'd ever seen, waiting for his boyfriend's wife to come and hand him his arse. And Oliver was absolutely calm. One of the peacocks attracted his attention by opening its beautiful colourful tail wide into a splendid fan, and showing off by doing a complex dance. The shimmering tail vibrated, making a rattling sound. It was enthrallingly to watch. Oliver was so engrossed in the spectacle before him that he didn't even hear the sound of the electric wheelchair till it was close to him.

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