Chapter 9: Unquenchable lust...desire!

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Oliver Bennett vs. Adrian Graham

Pix of the totally hot Oliver, looking up sexily at Adrian as he blows his mind



Oliver opened the connecting door around two a.m. to check on Adrian. He was fast asleep. Oliver pulled up the covers which had been pushed down to Adrian's waist and tucked them around him again. For about ten minutes, he just stood by the bed and watched Adrian sleep. He still couldn't believe he was actually standing that close to Adrian after not seeing him for over two months. It was almost surreal. He'd missed him so fucking much. He was still angry at what Adrian had put him through, but also felt joy within that definitely trumped his anger. He reached out to gently run his fingers through Adrian's hair. It was very short after the haircut he'd given him before his bath. But its silky texture still felt heavenly against his fingers.

"What am I going to do with you?" Oliver whispered with a sigh. The love he felt inside for Adrian was so intense it sometimes left him breathless.

When he eventually went back to his room, he didn't sleep. There was work to be done. And Oliver worked till around six a.m. He knew he had to catch some sleep if he planned on taking care of Adrian the whole day. When he got ready to sleep, he decided to check up on Adrian first. Oliver smiled as he got closer to Adrian's bed. He'd flung the covers off his body again and had rather coiled himself into a ball. Adrian never could sleep under the covers. But the room was cold so he adjusted the air-conditioner and then went to cover Adrian again. As Oliver pulled the covers over Adrian, he opened his eyes and grabbed his wrist.

"Stay with me." Adrian said in a voice roughened with sleep. Oliver thought he sounded so sexy. It made him want to fuck Adrian, long and hard. "Please."

Oliver climbed into the bed but stayed on the covers. For a moment Adrian looked as if he was going to protest but he didn't. His hand however never left Oliver's wrist. His eyes closed again, though but he was obviously not asleep. Oliver didn't have the luxury of staying awake though. He was fast asleep in no time. When Adrian heard Oliver's even breathing, he opened his eyes and stared at his tired gorgeous face. He never thought he could miss someone so much.

When he opened his eyes the day before and saw Oliver standing in his bedroom, he'd thought he was dreaming. But when Oliver held him and sobbed his heart out, he'd known it wasn't a dream. He'd hated to see Oliver cry but couldn't even bring himself to tell him to stop. Not only had he been drunk, he'd also felt so weak. He must have passed out at a point because the next thing he knew, they were in the bathroom. He knew he should feel ashamed...Oliver seeing him at his lowest, but he just didn't had the energy to feel ashamed.

To Adrian, Oliver Bennett was an angel and he didn't think he deserved him at all. He'd virtually cut him out after Donna died. He knew Oliver was hurt and angry...could see it in his eyes and knew he didn't deserve his kindness or forgiveness. Well, his mind was made up. He didn't plan on being a burden on Oliver at all. And the only way he could ensure that, in his opinion, was to end their relationship. But not wanting to burden Oliver was not Adrian's only reason for wanting to end things between them. Donna was gone. To him, she'd been like a falling star. She'd flared up for the briefest of moments, and then disappeared into an endless night. Life had not been fair to Donna at all. As he held his wife's lifeless body in his arms moments after feeling her breathe her last, it had suddenly hit him... It wasn't fair to Donna for him to have any happiness in the world. He was a doctor, and had seen people die. But seeing Donna die had killed something within him. He'd suddenly had a reality check. Suddenly what he felt for Oliver seemed very unimportant and silly. Adrian hated life, and also hated death... And everything in between just didn't interest him.

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