Neuro- Afraid of Heights

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From: Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro

Requested By: Myself (I wish this had a second season)

"Yako-San!" I call, racing towards the blonde as she drools over all the food around us. "Neuro is going to get mad if we don't get there in time, so HURRY UP!" I yell, grabbing her arm and dragging her to the set meet up point.

"Your late." Neuro says, popping out of nowhere and grabbing both Yako and I's heads. I glance at Yako and pull my head long enough to bite the demon males hand.

"Its Yako-Sans fault, plus I asked you not to squeeze my head." I growl, stepping away from the bird-like demon.

"Yako-Sensei, we will be back in a little bit. Until then, get started on the investigation." He orders, grabbing arm at the same time. He jumps up onto a nearby building with ease, and starts leaping  from one rooftop to another, and I quickly squeeze my eyes shut and latch onto his torso.

"N-Neuro... please put me d-down." I stutter. He stops and I reluctantly open my eyes a little and immediately regret it when I see how high up we are. I cling tighter to Neuro and he laughs.

"Oh so Slave 2 is scared of heights." He says darkly, peeling my arms away from him. I start to cry and latch on to his arm, which was hovering above me, as he held onto my head to keep me from falling.

"I'm sorry Neuro, i'm sorry! P-Please put me down." I sob, fear churning in my stomach, and adrenaline rushing through my veins. Usually for fight or flight, I fight but if I fight right now, it would only result in me becoming a splatter of blood, guts and bones on the ground 9 stories below. "I'll do something to make it up! Anything non-life threatening, but please pull me away from the edge." I bargain, giving the satisfied demon a pleading look. He smirks and, agonizingly slowly, pulls me back from the edge of the roof. My heart slows just a tiny bit, but almost stops when I feel myself being launched over the side of the roof. I don't scream, I just grasp my necklace and brace myself for the impact. Now i'll tell you this, it is not like the movies, or in Noragami, and falling does not go into slow motion, as the life flashes in my eyes or as I make a freaking deal with a guy who got screwed over by a goddess. It went very fast, and Neuro caught me in a flash.

"I believe that is a suitable punishment for the moment." He says as if nothing just happened. He sets me down and I sit there for a minute before standing up and slapping his face as hard as I can. I have tears running down my face, which is red with anger.

"I DONT CARE IF YOUR A DEMON, IF YOUR A MONSTER, OR IF YOUR A GOD THAT WAS NOT CALLED FOR YOU DICK!" I scream. He looks down at me, shocked. I angrily wipe the tears from my eyes that wont stop falling and I turn quickly and race down the streets, quickly realizing where I am and running towards the direction of my home.


I close the door behind me, and race through the empty house to my room. I pull open the top drawer of my dresser and lift the fake bottom I have on it, revealing loads of pictures of people. Not random people, but my family. I take out the most recent family photo that we had taken before... then. I glance at the kind and loving expressions on my mother and fathers faces, and at the 'whatever' look my little sister was giving. I sit on my bed and clutch the picture tightly to my chest and let the tears fall. "I miss you..." I trail off, my voice cracking. After a while of laying there I fall into a dreamless sleep.


When I wake up, everything is dark, signaling night-time. I sit up groggily, and turn on the lamp on my nightstand. I stand up and stretch, still holding the picture tightly in my hand. I go back to my drawer and go to set it in, when I realize its empty. My eyes widen, then narrow, as I look around for clues of someone. I growl and walk out into the living room to see the pictures all over my coffee table, and Neuro sleeping on the couch. "I should have known it was him, the only other person who knows where I live is Yako-San and she would touch those photo's." I say to myself, walking over to the table to gather the photographs.

"They are your family." He says. Its not a question.

"Were." I correct, standing with all the photo's and turning to head back to my room. I get stopped by his hand gripping my arm and I turn back. "What do you want Neuro?" I ask. My voice usually would have a hint of a whine in it about now, but i'm too tired for games right now.

"Nothing much." He replies, taking the pictures from my grasp and putting them back on the table. After he does that he drags me onto the couch and he wraps his arms around me. My back goes rigid and I think of all the times I had wished this would happen. But he doesn't have emotions like humans do... does he? Or are me and Yako, continuing to make him more human, the more time he spends with us. Neuro seems a little awkward, as he stiffly sits straight, with his arms like sticks around me. I laugh lightly, and hug him back. I know he's trying to say sorry. Honestly I think this is the best he knows how to do. I lean up and kiss his cheek, while blushing slightly and I pull away from him.

"Thank you, Neuro." I whisper.

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