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"Shut up Coal Brain!" Gray-Nii says, as him and Natsu are getting into a heated fight. I giggle and skip over.

"Gray-Nii, when are we going home, I'm tired!" I whine, pulling gently on my older brothers arm.

"In a little bit (Y/n), I need to beat Natsu's ass." He says, gently shaking me off and going to throw a punch at Natsu. I karate chop his arm, mid-swing and he jerks back. "What the hell (Y/n)!?" He yells, glaring at me angrily.

"Stop fighting for at least one day please." I growl, my voice just above a whisper. Gray looks down a little scared and I look up at him. I smile a bit evilly, showing my large canines. After a minute of sitting there with him being terrified I giggle and smile my normal smile. "Your face was amazing Gray-Nii!" I laugh, letting go of his bruised arm and wrapping my arms around his torso. He laughs nervously and scratches the back of his head.

"Yeah... heh heh... you got me good (Y/n)." He grunts before walking towards the bar. I hear a loud burst of laughter and I turn towards Natsu, who is holding his stomach from laughing too hard.

"Oh that was great! You totally scared that popsicle!" He laughs. I giggle again and poke his forehead.

"Natsu, don't think I didn't see the freight on your face too!" I whisper in his ear, making his face fall. I smile sweetly at him and skip back over to rejoin the conversation I was having with Lucy and Levy.

"That was quite a scene there (Y/n)-Chan!" Levy says as I take a seat. I smile and nod.

"I figured this would be payback for a few years ago when he punched me in the face." I clarify, looking at Gray. He gets a few drinks then walks over to us and hands me a drink.

"GRAY YOU PUNCHED HER IN THE FACE?!" Lucy shrieks bringing everyone's attention to us, and half the guys getting pissed. Gray looks confused then scared.

"It was years ago and an accident! She jumped in the way when me and Natsu were fighting!" Gray clarifies, and everyone goes back to their business. Lucy still looked pissed but I touched her shoulder.

"Its fine Lu-Chan! Plus its a great excuse to make him feel bad when I want something!" I exclaim, making Gray sweat-drop.

"Take your juice you devil." He says, setting my drink down and turning to walk away. "We'll go home in about an hour." He groans before taking a swig of beer. I glare at the back of his head, knowing he'll just get drunk and we'd have to sleep here. 

~3 hours later~

"You idiot!" I yell, kicking my drunk, sleeping brother, in the head. I sigh and grab my satchel before walking through the guild hall full of either sleeping or very drunk people, and out the doors. I shiver and glance at the white wonderland that lies outside and wish I had brought a jacket, or at least a scarf or mittens. I walk down the empty streets of Magnolia towards Gray and i's home, slipping a little every once in a while from the ice. After a little while I decided to take a seat on a bench. "I don't get why I'm not immune to this cold! I'm an ice mage too." I grumble, regretting my decision to wear a skirt this morning.

"Hey (Y/n)!" Someone yells, making me jump up and fall into the snow.

"Oooh cold!" I squeal, jumping up again. I turn towards the voice and see Natsu, running towards me, looking worried.

"Are you ok?" He says, slowing down once he reaches me. He checks me over and makes sure I'm alright.

"I'm fine Natsu. You just startled me and I fell into the snow. Now I'm freezing." I groan, shaking slightly.

"I'm sorry! Here take this for the moment. I know its not much, but it would help a little right?" He says, going to take off his scarf. My eyes widen and I shake my hands frantically.

"B-but isn't that a gift from Igneel? I cant take that Natsu, even for a little bit!" I say, stopping him from removing it.

"But your going to get hypo-worm-lia???" He says, forgetting the correct word. I smile and pat his spikey hair.

"Its hypothermia, and its fine. It was because I was clumsy that I'm this way now so seriously, keep it." I affirm, before wrapping the end up his scarf back around his neck. I smile at him and start to walk again before he grabs my forearm and pulls me back. "Natsu?" I ask, turning around. I get pulled to his warm chest and I feel his arms wrap around me.

"That stupid are you? I'll bring you home and keep you warm. Here." He orders, before placing his scarf around my head as well, and picking me up bridal style.

"N-Natsu!" I squeal, my face reddening. I quickly burrow my face into his neck to hide it. Honestly I have liked Natsu for a while but I figured with the brotherly rivalry him and Gray-Nii have I was just going to let it go.

"What? This is ok with you right? I mean I know you like me so I figured it would be fine." He says nonchalantly, making my face rival Erza's hair.

"W-Who told you that?!" I babble, pulling away and looking him in the eye. He smiles and rubs his nose lightly on my cheek.

"I over-heard you and Lucy talking about it when you two had a sleepover." He clarifies. My face turns into a pout and I slap him lightly on the cheek.

"That's not nice Natsu." I whine, snuggling into his chest, warmth filling my body from the fire mage.

"I'm glad I did it though because then I never would have had the courage to tell you I feel the same." He says, nuzzling me. I gasp and freeze, not really knowing what to do. After a while of us staying like that he pulls away and stops walking. "We're here." He announces, setting me down. I blush again and go to pull out of his scarf.

"T-Thank you N-Natsu... I should probably go warm up." I stutter, ducking my head down to remove the scarf but Natsu stops me.

"Nope. I carried you all the way here and kept you warm, I'm going to need some sort of payment." He smirks, before pressing his soft lips against mine making me freeze again. After a few seconds I kiss back then we both pull back. My face heats up again and I give him a quick hug before pulling away and running into the house to warm up.

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