Ban- Thief-Part 1

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Requested by love-and-let-love

Sorry if you don't like it!

"Hey get back here!" The blu-ish silver haired male yells, chasing after me as I run away with his red jacket with spikes.

"Aww come on dude, this jacket is too cool, and I want it!" I yell back tauntingly, looking back to see if he was advancing. He was. And FAST. I giggle and quickly stick my arms through the arm-holes and run backwards and make poses as if I were a model.

"That is my jacket! I stole it first!" He yells, speeding up. I frown slightly then smirk.

"Well karma is certainly a bitch isn't it, Fox Sin of Greed, Ban!" I taunt again, before turning stopping completely. He looks at me confused and attempts to stop running as fast and right when he almost collided with me, I dashed to the side and ran back the way we came from. "Sorry, but stealing from the sin of Greed has been a huge dream of mine for a while and I'm not letting it go." I call back. After a few seconds someone tackles me from behind and I land on the ground harshly, dirt cutting into my face. I feel blood drop instantly and I cry out in pain.

"I said," He growls, picking me up by the back of my shirt. "that that's my jacket." He continues, turning me towards him. He reaches back and goes to try and take the jacket off. I decide go to plan z which is a last resort and immediately tears fill my (E/c) eyes and spill down my cheeks mixing with the blood.

"That hurt!" I sob, reaching my arms up and covering my eyes. I cry loudly and feel the presence of a few other people come closer.

"Ban, its not nice to make a lady cry." A voice rings out, making my uncover my eyes and sniffle. I look down and see the leader of the Seven Deadly Sins, Meliodas.

"H-hello." I stutter, fear slowly forming in the pit of my stomach. I don't know what they are willing or un-willing to do. They might hurt me. "P-please don't hurt me... I will give the jacket back and never bother you guys again but please! I have a little brother I need to take care of." I cry out, thinking of my brother, lying sick at home. "H-he's sick and I don't have enough money to help care for him, so please just let me go." I cry, trying to wiggle out of the tall males grasp. Everyone stands there, eyes wide, and staring at me. After a few moments I decide to take my arms out of the jacket holes, then I would be able to leave and he would still have his jacket. I mean, I would have a few cuts and bruises but I need to get home. I go with my plan but before I hit the ground he grabs me with his other hand.

"No, you aren't going anywhere for right now. Take us to your brother." Ban orders, surprisingly gently setting me down. I sniffle again and nod, before turning and walking towards town. We get to the edge and I feel something drop over my shoulders and I look to see the jacket. "You looked cold." He says nonchalantly, sticking his hands in his pockets. I look up at him and blush immediately.

"If I may ask, why don't you wear a shirt underneath." I squeak, quickly turning back towards the road in front of me.

"Why? Does it make you uncomfortable?" I can hear the smirk in his voice, and my face heats up again but this time I stay silent. After a minute I figure he got sick of waiting for an answer and he picked me up again and turned me towards him. "Weeeelllll?" He drags on the word. I cover my eyes, nodding frantically, hopping that he would set me back down.

"You wanted to make sure I actually have a brother so let me go, we are almost there." I demand, wiggling around again. He laughs and sets me down and I lead them to my rundown little house, stomping my legs which are tiny in comparison to Ban who happens to be close behind me.

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