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October 5th, 2010

Dear mom,

Living in California is pretty great. I have two movie auditions tomorrow on top of the three callbacks I have next week. I'm so excited, but at the same time, exhausted. Running from one audition to the next is so tiring. But good thing i'm completely healthy now, otherwise it would be even more exhausting. One is about a teen romance, and the other is a horror film. I think it's pretty funny that I'm an actress now, even though I didn't really get into acting until seven years ago.

Oh, and Alex, he's doing great too. He has been working a lot too which makes it really hard to connect with the kids. I hate that we're hardly ever home. I've actually been thinking about going to fewer auditions so I could be home more. And Alex, being a police officer, it's difficult for him to be here more, which is really great that Tina's here. We've became really good friends since Alex and I got together. She stopped giving me a hard time and stopped acting like that girl from high school. It's been so long, I can't even remember her name. But from all those times I've complained about her to you, you probably remember. Oh, and by the way, Alex Jr. is going into fifth grade and Hannah is going into fourth. They're doing great down here.

Speaking of Hannah how is she? She still lives in the neighborhood taking care of her mother, right? You should tell her to come visit someday. The kids have been complaining that they haven't seen Aunt Hannah in a while. They are actually missing Uncle Kyle too, which is kind of funny to me, considering they haven't seen him since they were about two or three years old. I'm surprised they remember him.

And how's Denise? I haven't seen her since she moved to New York with her boyfriend, Paul, a year and a half ago. I've been too busy to call her, but you should ask her how she is. Oh, and she needs to send me newer pictures of Jenna and Sandra. They must have grown so much over a year and a half. I bet they're still as gorgeous as I remember them though.

I miss you guys so much, but I promise we'll all come down for the holidays (Just don't let Jerry cook the turkey.)

Well I'm done rambling, so I'll see you at Thanksgiving.

Love, Cassandra


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