Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

"Oh my God, how can you not like him, Candra?" Hannah asks as we're leaving school.

"I just don't," I turn around to see a crowd of girls all around something. At first I think it's a fight, but then Mason squeezes through and they follow him until he catches up with me and Hannah. He turns and tells them goodbye and we start walking home, "Have a good first day?" I say sarcastically. But he doesn't hear my sarcasm.

"It was cool," He says, like its part of his daily routine to have girls all over him. Hannah just melts every moment he speaks.

"Does this always happen? I mean, do you always have girls all over you?" I ask, sounding a little more irritated then I meant to. But he doesn't notice.

"Pretty much,"

"Have you ever dated any of the girls all over you?" Hannah's face lights up when I ask this.

"Not really. Probably two. But they didn't really work out." Surprise, surprise, I think. He doesn't look like the guy that would be in a long relationship.


Twowhole months goes by, it it's almost exactly the same, everyday. I walk into school, get pushed aside from thirty girls trying to talk to Mason. Then, I get my daily insults from Horseface and the skank wannabes. And then of course, boring classes.

Right now I'm in English class, and of course, there's Mason wrapped up in his blanket of girls. So, I do what I normally do. I sit at my desk, reading.

"Hey," I look up to see Mason. I look over and see all the girls standing around Mason's desk. "You want to come over and talk with us?" That's strange. He doesn't really talk to me in school.

"No," I reply, setting my book down on my desk and looking at him, "I'm sure this book is a lot more interesting, thanks," I say, tapping my book twice.

"You would really rather read?"

"Yes. They don't even like me anyways," I say looking at the girls who are glaring at me.

"They won't say anything,"

I laugh a little bit. "No, I'm sure they would."

"Are you sure?" He just won't give up.


"Well, okay," He turns and walk slowly back to his desk.

I notice that he keeps looking at me. Through almost every class, I look out of the corner of my eye, and he's looking directly at me. I want to turn and ask what he's looking at, but I don't.

The final bell rings, and I stop at my locker and go to meet Hannah outside of the school. I see Hannah and Mason already out there.

"Hey Candra, how was your day?" Mason asks, looking at me.

"It was cool," I say the exact way Mason said his first day. He nods his head a little, and then starts talking to Hannah.

When I get home, I see Megan's car isn't in the driveway, which means she's probably still at work, which also means I'm locked out. Megan says she doesn't trust me with keys, I might lose it. So I just sit on the chair on the front porch.

I guess Mason notices I'm locked out, because he comes over, "No key?" He asks with a smirk. It's not a mean, "Ha, ha, you're locked out," smirk. Just a jokingly smirk.

"Nope, Megan doesn't trust me with one." I say without paying attention to lame I just sounded.

"Who's Megan?"

"My mom,"

"Why do you call her Megan?"

"Because I don't like when she calls me Cassandra instead of Candra," Oops, I think. No one knows my real name except Denise and Jerry of course, and Hannah. He looks a little surprised, though.

"Cassandra?" He ponders over my name for a minute, "I didn't know it your real name was Cassandra." At first, I think he's going to laugh, and I get a little mad.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I don't like it either."

"No, I like it. I think it's kind of cute, actually." I flinch a little bit. I can't believe he thinks my name is cute.

"Cute? I don't think so," I can feel my face turning red, so I turn away before he notices. But he already saw.

"Aw, are you blushing?" He asks. I can just tell he's smiling.

"No," I say covering my face. I can't help but smile too. I am so embarrassed; I just want to hide under a rock. He moves a little to see my face.

"Yes you are," He says, still smiling. Then he does the strangest thing. He kneels to the ground so he's at my level, and gently moves my hands off my face. This just makes me blush even more. "Aw, you're so adorable." Adorable? What is he talking about?

"Adorable? What are you talking about?" I say exactly what I was thinking.

"What do you mean what am I talking about? You're just adorable. Every little compliment I give you, you blush even more." He laughs a little bit, and of course, I'm still blushing.

"It's not funny, or adorable. It's embarrassing," I say, still trying to cover my face, but of course, he can still tell I'm blushing.

"Okay, okay, I'll stop," He says, and stands back up, "So I noticed you don't cling to me like every girl." I'm a little surprised.

"Well, yeah. You're not all that," I say, smiling to let him know I'm kidding.

"Hey, I so am," He smiles back, "But it's actually kind of nice. I mean, I don't really like that all these girls are always flirting with me,"

"I don't know what they see in you, anyways." I interrupt him.

He rolls his eyes in a "whatever" way. "I don't like any of the girls that are all over me, and I probably won't date any of them." I automatically think of Hannah, and I kind of feel bad, since she's totally head-over-heels for him.

"Do you like any girls at our school?"

"Yeah, just one," For some reason, this excites me. I think it might be Horseface for some reason though and I can't even picture them being together.

"Really? Who?"

"I can't tell you. Well, I actually don't know if I really like her, though."

Megan's car gets in the driveway, and I say bye to Mason.

"Oh, you talk to the new boy? Are you two going out?" Oh, Megan, I think.

"No, Megan. We're friends. Friends talk to each other."

"Okay, okay, sorry," Megan says sarcastically, leaving me alone in the living room. I sit down on the couch and try to focus on anything but Mason, butI can't. He's all I can think about right now, and I have no idea why. He's obviously not into me, so why should I be into him?

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