Chapter Four

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Hello again. I'm uploading the fourth chapter now. I have had fifty reads on the first chapter so far, and i'm pretty thrilled, considering this is my second day on But thanks for reading and i hope you enjoy.


Chapter Four

When we get to school, Mason doesn't leave me like he normally does in the morning. Of course, girls still went up to him and tried to push me away from him, but he turns them down. And he sort of holds my arm when girls start to push me so they know that I'm not going anywhere right now. It's not an "I'm with her" hold on my arm. It's more of a "Don't give her crap today" hold on my arm. And I actually like that he cares that I'm upset, unlike everyone else in my school.

"Hey Mason, I'm having a party afterschool, and I wanted to know if you could come?" Horseface said, twirling her hair with her finger.

"Not today, sorry. I have other things planned." Mason replied, walking away so Horseface wouldn't keep the conversation, but knowing Helen, she won't drop it so quickly.

"Like what?" She said standing directly in front of me.

"Well, I have to help tutor someone afterschool."

He tried to walk away again, but this time she stands in front of him.

"What dumb student do you need to tutor? I'm sure they'll fail anyways whether you tutor them or not." I think she somehow knows it's me.

"Hey, just because someone needs help, doesn't mean they're stupid." Wow, really? I'm sure he would have agreed if I weren't there.

The first bell rings, which means we have a couple minutes to get to class.

"I have to get to class. Come on Candra. Later, Helen,"


It's the last class of the day, algebra, and Hannah never even looked at me in lunch or art class. I told Mason that I'll just meet him in the library instead of outside. I don't want to see Hannah afterschool. I push Hannah to the back of my mind. I don't need a distraction right now. Our algebra test is today, and I'm hoping for at least a C.

Mr. Dylan hands out the test and I begin. It is so easy. I'm the first to finish. I don't turn it in right away though. Instead, I draw a picture on the back. It's what I normally draw: a girl and a boy are at the movies. The girl's head rests on the boy's shoulder. I make the picture really detailed. I draw the romantic movie, a couple people scatter in seats, but not as noticeable as the girl and boy.

I turn in my test and artwork. I actually wish I can keep it. I think I did extremely well on that picture. Well, oh well, I'll get it back later when my test gets graded. Right when I walk back to my seat, the bell rings. I grab my backpack and head out of the classroom. I don't wait for Mason because I know all the girls want to talk to him right now, and just because I had a crappy morning doesn't mean I have to make everyone else's crappy too.

So I walk down the hall and into the library and wait for Mason. I pull out my book and read it before he gets here.

"Hey, you missed me?" I look up to see Mason there standing there, smiling.

"Sure, whatever you have to tell yourself." I smile back. I close my book and put it away. "So, how are you?"

"Ah, the usual. How about you?" He asks, pulling out some math problems like yesterday.

"Same here, well usual for me,"

"Usual, huh? Is Hannah normally mad at you?" Oh great, I should have saw that one coming.

"Well, no,"

"Well I think she's mad at me too, because she didn't talk to me at all. Do you know why she's upset?"

"She's mad because you tutored me yesterday, and she wanted to talk to you about something. But then she started calling me selfish and stuff, and I accidently told her you don't like her. So, she just got mad and stopped talking to me." I say in three big breaths. If she found out I told him that she was jealous, she'll probably get even madder at me. But I guess it doesn't matter right now anyways.

"Really?" He says after what seems to be about ten minutes, "Why did she call you selfish? You're failing math. I think that's more important than talking about something." He says, then speaks again, "Wait, what did she need to talk to me about?"

Hannah's going to kill me, "She wanted to ask you out."

"So asking me out is more important than school? I don't agree with that, but maybe she'll let it go."

"Oh, I don't think so. I mean she had a huge crush on you. I basically told her she didn't have a chance." I sigh.

"But, she didn't. Not to sound mean, but I don't like her that way. She's just as clingy as the others, and it gets pretty old."

I sit up a little straighter, like I got a really good idea, "Wait, didn't you say you like someone?"

"Yeah, why?"

"She goes to our school, right?"

He hesitates for a minute, "Where are you going with this?" He sounds a little nervous.

"Just answer me, please."

"Yes?" He says it like he's going to regret it, which he probably will.

"Well almost all the girls are all over you. So that girl you like isn't like most of the girls who do like you." I feel like a genius.

But he looks relieved, "Well there you go. Almost every girl is all over me. There are still some who aren't." I think he can see the disappointment in my face because he smiles a, "you were wrong" smile.

"Damn it Mason, can't you just tell me?" I'm getting a little frustrated. I really want to know!

"Hey, calm down, Candy. It's not that important." Yes it is.

"Yes it is!"

"Come on, can't we just focus on algebra?" Great, now he wants to get on topic. I roll my eyes and start solving the problems.

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