Chapter Eight

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Sorry this chapter is so short:///

But i'm gonna try to upload pictures of the cast of the characters, and i don't know if it will work, so sorry if it doesn'ttt.

I hope you like this chapter(: Please vote, like, and comment!!!!


Chapter Eight

Once I get home, I run upstairs and straight to the bathroom. I can here Megan screaming for me downstairs. "Cassandra Riley! Get downstairs this instant!"

I'm too busy with my fingers down my throat to answer right away. After I throw up the pizza Mason's mom bought, I yell back to Megan. "Hold on, I'm in the bathroom." I wipe my face and step on the scale. 120. Not so bad, I think to myself. I look in the mirror, and I've noticed that I did get a little skinnier.

I walk out of the bathroom and downstairs to where Megan was, giving me that look when she's disappointed. "Why did you walk out of the house when I told you no?" Before I could answer, she added, "And why weren't you home for dinner?" Before I could answer again, she added, "What's happened to you? You were never like this."

"Calm down, Megan. God damn! Do you ever shut up?" Oh crap, I thought. Why did I say that? Megan doesn't talk a lot. She's almost always nice to me. Maybe she's right. I have changed.

"Cassandra Alyson Riley!" That's all she could say before I ran back upstairs. I went in my room and lied on my bed where I fell asleep two minutes later.


Today's Monday, which is the last Monday of the school year. Thursday, June 14th, is the last day of school, which also happens to be Mason's birthday.

Mason held my hand as we walked with Hannah to school. Since Mason and I got together, the girls stopped hitting on him, which made me really relived. I think Mason is happier that he's not being bothered by every girl in the ninth grade anymore.

"Candra?" Mason, Hannah, and I turned around to see Tina's brother, Alejandro Marquez, standing there. I let go of Mason's hand and gave Alejandro a hug. Even though I don't like Tina, I've always liked Alex. He has been a close friend of mine since second grade, but his parents divorced and Alex moved in with his dad and Tina moved in with her mom. So I haven't seen Alex since seventh grade when he moved to New Jersey. What is he doing back in Maryland?

"Alex? What are you doing here?" I said after hugging him.

"Oh, what I can't move back in Maryland? Well okay, I guess I'll leave." He said, turning around.

I grabbed his arm, still smiling. "No, really. I missed you. But I thought you had to move to New Jersey with your father?"

"I did. But he decided to move back down here near the school so me and Tina can be in school together again. I don't know why they want us in the same school, but I don't really care. I'm glad you still live here. I thought you moved."

"Why are you here now? It's the last week of school."

"Actually, I've been here since March. I just haven't seen you around."

"Ahem?" Mason was trying to get our attention. Hannah already left for class.

"Oh, Alex, this is Mason-"

"Candra's boyfriend." Mason said, cutting me off.

I looked at him, wondering why that was necessary but I let it go. "Yes. My boyfriend. And Mason, this is Alex, one of my closest friends."

"Alejandro, you're going to be late." I heard a girl say. I turned and saw Mariah Rodrigo, one of Alex's adopted cousins. Alex's aunt adopted three girls and one boy, all being white instead of Hispanic.

"Alright, I'm coming," He said to Mariah. I waved to Mariah, and she smiled and waved back but turned and started walking to class. "I'll see you afterschool, Can-Can." He smiled and walked to class.

"We better go." I said to Mason, and starting walking to class as well.


The final bell rings, and Mason holds my hand down the hallway and outside. Since we took that test and I aced it, I don't need tutoring anymore. I spot Alex, Tina, and his cousins. I let go of Mason's hand and walk up to Alex. "Alex," I say, tapping Alejandro on the shoulder. Tina looks at me and sort of smiles, which surprises me completely.

"Candra," He replies, hugging me again. I can't help but notice how good he smells. "You remember Mariah, Kelsey, and Laura, right?" He asks after he stops hugging me.

"How can I not?" I say, smiling. Right then, Laura hugs me. Laura has probably been the sweetest out of her siblings. Jimmy is really sweet, but he's eighteen, turning nineteen so he's out of school now.

"I haven't seen you in years. How have you been?" Kelsey asked, smiling. Kelsey, in my opinion, is the prettiest out of Mariah and Laura. Don't get me wrong, all three of them are way prettier them me. And I'd be lying if I said I never found Jimmy totally hot. I don't know how he looks now, but I bet he's just as hot as he was a couple years ago.

"I've been pretty good." I say.

I feel a tug on my arm and when I turn around, I see that it's Mason. "Let's start walking."

I nod, and say goodbye. Alex, Laura, Kelsey, Mariah, (and to my surprise) Tina say goodbye back.

When we find Hannah, we walk home. "I don't really like that Alex guy." Mason says, but doesn't look at me. I flinch a little bit and turn to Hannah. I can see that she's trying not to see nosey and listen.

"Why? Alex is a very sweet and cool person." I reply.

"I don't like him. And I don't think you should hang out with him anymore." Hannah looks at me this time. Hannah knew Alex almost as long as I has, but she never really got as close to him as I have. She also knows that I had a crush on him in sixth grade and she knows that I cried my eyes out when he moved.

"What do you mean? Alex is one of my closest friends besides you and Hannah. You can't take him away from me." I'm getting a little upset. He can't force me to stay away from Alex.

"He was all over you and I think he will try to steal you away from me." He's jealous? Of Alex? "You're not going to hang out with him anymore." He said.

"You can't make me stay away from him."

"Oh hell I can't." He grabs my arm and pulls me close. We stop walking, and he's hurting my arm. Hannah tries not to say anything until she sees that he's getting physical.

"Mason, let go of her." Hannah says, but doesn't get too close.

He ignores her and whispers to me, "I forbid you to communicate with him. If I find out you disobey me," he doesn't finish the sentence. He just lets go of me and pushes me. He starts walking away, leaving me and Hannah behind as she asks me if I'm okay.

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