4.1 - M.R. Continuation.

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Continued from Ch.4 "Misunderstood Rouge"

[Kakashi's POV]

The next morning, Torima and I had set out to find any family of the children that might of survived, Rio was left to watch over them - But considering how uncomfortable he'd been with them last night, I wasn't so sure that it was a good idea. Torima on the other hand just shrugged it off, "Its good for him" is what she said... that had yet to put me at ease.

While going to our destination, I gathered from my familiarity with the area that we weren't too far away from the perimeter of Konoha, probably nothing more than a few miles out. And how we've managed to go about our business without much complications makes me wonder if anyone even noticed what was going on or notice that I had yet to return. Doubtful, How much you wanna bet that Kotetsu and Izumo were sleeping on the job.... again. How those two managed to make it to Chunin? I'll never understand.

"Say, Torima?"

"Hn" Throwing me a passing glance over her shoulder, letting me know I have her attention.

"Lets say there are survivor's. How do you plan on finding them?"

"I have my ways"

Well that was vague, "Right. And if there are none? What then? What becomes of the children?"

"Then they'll have a choice to make"

Raising a brow, "And that would be....?" I motioned with my hand for her to continue, "Either, they decide that they want to return home anyways.... or find a new home"

I frowned. "Seems a bit cold doesn't it?"

She shrugged, "Maybe under normal circumstances, but these are anything but. I made the same choice when I was in a similar position"

That caught my attention, Similar situation? Then does that mean what I think it does? Thinking on it, it probably does make the most sense. Why she's so cold, distancing herself to but a few friends.... if any but Rio even exist. Just now, she'd sort of confirmed something I'd been suspecting since we met....but before I could gather more thoughts on the subject---- "GET DOWN!!"

I was being jerked and landed face-first into the dirt, the feeling of the ground rumbling under me and the sound of something breaking had be thinking back to yesterday - Don't tell me.... "RAAAGGHH!!!"

"DIE!" The sound of an arrow soaring with a 'swoosh' from its bow and the sudden screaming of agony led me to believe she'd just shot someone at point blank. Rising up from my spot, I caught sight of the brute from the other day with an arrow in his chest, huffing and glaring in a fit of rage. "Y-yo-u.... bitch...."

I blinked. He talks?

"It speaks" I could hear the smirk in her voice, along with the condescending nature of her tone. That only made him glare at her harder. "I.... kill....you..." At this she gave an abrupt laugh, "I'd like to see you try"

With that, he gave a war cry, ripping the arrow out from him, his blood splattering across the grass and seeping into the cloth of his rather odd clothes. He seemed to of been seething with blood lust. Just what in the hell was this guy? Then he returned to his usual tactics and rammed at us in full speed, just as I'd gotten to my feet, I was being jerked about again and was now being shoved up a tree.

"I need a better advantage on this guy" She pulled back and loosed another bow into the man. Only difference this time? He was expecting it and he caught the thing mid-air before it struck another blow, except there was a hidden surprise that came with it. "Frostbite"

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