Ch.2 Interference

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[Kakashi's POV]

Shikaku Nara, Might Guy and I were just returning from a mission and just happened to of been passing by at the time, when suddenly, a lot of civilians started screaming and rushing past us. I managed to grab one of them by the arm, "What's going on? Why is everyone panicking?"

The man shook, eyes wide, pointing back into the direction they'd all just come from. "A-A fight. Some guy and an ANBU are fighting.... blood.... there was so much blood--" He harshly jerked away from my grip, "If you know what's good for you, you'd get out of here too!" And with that he vanished into the horde of horrified people.

The three of us looked between each other. "A fight between a man and ANBU?"

With this, we all took off into the direction that we were warned about. There was no getting around it, if there was a fight going on.... I can't speak for the other's but I just had to go and see it for myself.

The closer we got, the scene was as described. Blood, there was blood splattered everywhere and various weapons scattered about the field. Then in the center of it all was a bloodied man on the ground, he was crying out in agonizing pain, all the while cussing and trying to inch away from his attacker, an ANBU clad in gray's, white's and black's.

The ANBU himself was standing over him. Despite the cross shaped opening on his mask, I found it difficult to make out his face, and since we were coming from the side, he had yet to notice us standing here watching them.

Guy thought it would be a good time to start randomly questioning me as to what was going on here and why, I simply gave a huff as I shook my head at him, 'As if I'd know why they were fighting or what was going on here', while Shikaku just sighed, mumbling 'troublesome' as we slowly walked over. But as I walked, I stepped in something wet, looking down at my feet when I heard the 'splat' I recoiled back when I noted that I'd stepped in a puddle of blood.... but not only that, just beyond it was a severed arm which was still leaking out bodily fluids and streaming across the ground, then into the puddle I just stepped in.


"Help Please Somebody!!! This bitch is Insane"

I blinked for a moment, Bitch? Is that what you'd usually say to another man? Wait a minute.... I narrowed my gaze and began to take the figure in properly.... and only then did I realize that 'he', was in fact a 'she'. And when she spoke, that confirmed it even more, "As if anyone's stupid enough to save your sorry ass, you're going to answer my questions and then you're going to die" the newly dubbed 'she' stated coldly.

He screamed louder but she seemed unfazed. "No!! Don't please!!!! I don't want to die!!! Spare me!!!! I'll tell you, I'll tell you everything you want to know.... just don't kill me!!"

"No. You're going to tell me, then you're going to accept your fate and die like the trash you are" She pulled out a knife, taking a threatening step forward, raising it to strike. But before it got close enough to cut him, I quickly rushed forward, throwing a kunai at it, promptly knocking it out of her hand, she jumped back in surprise to look around for whoever interfered.

"That's quite enough already. Stop right there"

She turned to look at us, only now acknowledging out presence and she seemed to be analyzing us, "She's a Demon, the Devil!! She isn't human at all!!!" She glared at him and he shut up as she moved to once again strike the bleeding form on the ground again, with another weapon.

"I said stop that"

She gave me a passing glance before completely ignoring me and continuing her assault on the defenseless man at her feet. I turned to Shikaku and silently urged him to stop her, he sighed and reluctantly did so using his 'Shadow Possession Technique' to bind her. Once she realized she couldn't move she shifted her gaze back to us - her aura giving off that she was getting pissed at us, as Shikaku forced her to lower her weapon once again.

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