Ch.3 Unexpected Turn

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[Kori's POV]

Digging my heel into the wound on his leg, his screams of pain resonated throughout the empty space surrounding us. The only thing besides me to hear it, being the animals living within the large forested area - No witnesses. No civilians. And definitely, no Leaf shinobi to get in my way this time.

"AGHH!! No, Please--Stop!!"

Smirking sadistically, leaning into his face as I dug deeper into it, "Tell me what I want to know!!!" Growling with murderous intent.

He ground his teeth together. "What do you care? It has nothing to do with you!!"

"It does. And you're going to tell me.... you won't believe just how long I can manage to keep this up before you either pass out or die.... maybe even both, because I'm going to kill you anyways"

He winced, "If you're going to kill me, then why should I? Its the only thing keeping me alive right?"

I sighed heavily. What happened to his earlier whining about telling me anything I wanted? He was a lot more freaked out then, than he is being right now. Jeez. If those guys hadn't interfered.....

"Fine. Tell me and I'll consider not finishing you off myself!"

He frowned, pain still evident in his features. I jammed my hand into the sore socket that his arm had once resided, causing him to writhe in even more agony. "The children you took. Where are the children? What in the hell have you done with them?"

Another scream of pain, he flailed about under me as I twisted my hand, his blood beginning to soil the glove I was wearing for things like this. Damn messy blood. "A-A pit. T-there's a pit in the ground that I dug up myself.... I stuffed the brats in there until I could find a dealer...."

Anger boiled in my chest. Course, I knew that I wasn't going to like any answer that he gave me.... but I wasn't expecting that. Taking a breath, I calmed myself and removed my hand from the bleeding limb, "How many children are currently being held captive down there?"

He was thoughtful for a moment, "Uhm..... fifteen.... there was about fifteen of them down there, last I checked"

"When was the last time you checked?"

"Two days ago"

My eyes narrowed at him, "You left fifteen kids alone in a pit together for two f*cking days?! They must be starved to death down there---"

He cut me off, "No! I may not be the greatest guy on the planet but I ain't the worst. Nor am I that stupid!"

I crossed my arms over my chest, disbelieving. "Hn"

He sighed, rolling his eyes. "Its true!! I can't sell off a dead slave, bad for business. I left them rations to survive off of while I'm gone, and since I never know when I might be able to make it back, I give them at least a week's worth of it"

Contemplating his words, I nodded, accepting them. "Alright then. Have you made contact with any dealer's yet? Anyone whose interested in them at all?"

He shook his head rapidly, "N-No.... not yet.... you found me before I had the chance to reach out...."

Pulling back more, leaving his wounds alone for a moment. "The deal is with me then"

He blinked up at me, "What?"

"I'm taking the children. You're going to sell them to me, free of charge"

His eyes narrowed, "And why in the hell would I----"

I glowered at him, stomping my foot into his leg wound once again, causing a strangled yelp to escape his mouth before he got the big picture again. "You hand them over, in exchange for a better chance at keeping your worthless self alive.... how's that?"

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