Settling In, Part 4

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It was midday and Ephyra was ecstatic and exhausted - how that was possible she didn't know, but she liked the feeling.

She had spent her entire day exploring Themyscira as well as meeting a few goddesses she thought would still be only legends and mythological tales, even after learning of Wonder Woman. She would never think that way again due to meeting not just Hippolyta, but Artemis and Athena as well. Artemis was fierce and proud with a true warrior spirit to rival any man's. Her sister Athena was more soft spoken and preferred books and reading over fighting and violence. Ephyra noticed that despite their differences they were still sisters and cared for one another, in their own way.

Artemis and Ephyra became friends right away and she could add a total of four sparring partners to her list: Dinah, Ted, Diana, and now Artemis.

Athena and Ephyra did talk but it was mostly about technique and how to approach battles. She had amazing ideas, which she should being the Goddess of Wisdom and War. Diana even told her to heed her words, because they would come in handy if she ever needed to think quickly on the battlefield.

Hippolyta was very kind to Ephyra, though she was stern. She made clear that the main rule there was to never bring men to Themyscira. If for some reason she needed to bring female outsiders she would have to let them know ahead of time. Ephyra decided not to ask how she was supposed to give a heads up when the closest thing they had to long distance communication was probably smoke signals - vague and crude, but a bit true in her opinion.

Other than that, she loved Themyscira. She almost didn't want to leave now that she thought about it - almost. But she wouldn't miss hearing Batman's decision for anything, not even another fun day with Dinah. She wanted to help people, be a hero. After all, most saw her as Superman saw Superboy most likely - a clone of someone powerful who was made to do the bidding of the enemy. She couldn't really blame them, but she wanted to prove otherwise. Sure she was made to commit evil, but she had some of Aquaman and Wonder Woman in her. Surely this meant she wasn't evil, that she could change and be more than the evil project she was grown to be.

One good thing she was looking forward to is that she assumed she would still be doing some hero related work. Wonder Woman had been helping her to design outfits, which would be made of spandex material. They spent the entire morning after breakfast and the tour of Themyscira sketching them and deciding which she would choose. Ephyra had chosen one that she thought suited her best and colored it two different shades of blue and added some black. Wonder Woman said she would have someone start working on it and then she was sent off to meet Artemis and Athena. Once introductions had been made and sparring and back-talking had been finished, she ate lunch and was then left to her own devices. She decided to use that time by taking a walk through the trees.

A soft whimper interrupted her thoughts, bringing her back to the present. The feline in front of her looked like a lion, but wasn't because it was bigger for one and had the body build of a tiger. Though, now that she thought about a bit, it only came a couple inches above her knees, and it looked young. A half grown cub and most likely female since males should've at least shown the beginnings of a mane. The cub didn't look too dangerous either. If it tried standing on two feet, it would still probably just reach her stomach, if not her waist, and that's her paws only, not head.

Ephyra glanced around. Mother may not be far off.

She glanced back down at the cub and it tipped her head. Yet, all lions live in prides right? So why wasn't at least one other lion near it?

She glanced at the tree where she had found the cub and walked over to it before her gaze shifted to a slope, where a bigger body lay. The cub bounds pass her and pressed her face into the bigger cat's neck. Ephyra notices it was full grown and had no mane, so a female. She heard soft purrs coming for the cub - the mother most likely if not kin from the pride. She glanced around, no sign of others at least, though she had been warned. Peaceful or not, there were some predators but they had learned to co-exist.

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