How you first meet

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It was a sunny and mild day, so you decided to go to the park. You put on your favourite green sweater and some black skinny jeans. You pack your bag with an apple, your phone and earphones, purse and a book.

It was a short 5 minute walk to get to the park and when you arrived it wasn't as busy as you thought it would be. You settled down underneath a tree and and grabbed your book. Before you could start reading, you heard someone yell.

'Watch out!' You looked up and saw a football coming toward you.

You quickly ducked and it bounced off the tree and onto your lap.

Smooth you thought to yourself. You paid no attention to the group of boys and threw it back in the direction it came from. You then got out your phone and earphones and got lost in your favourite book: The Territory.

(AN: it's like my fave book srsly everyone shld go read it.)

You spent a good half hour engrossed in your book and enjoying the sun, when suddenly you saw something flying towards you and hit hit on the head. Hard.

'Ah fuck!' You yelled. It was that stupid football again.

You started to massage your head and a boy ran over.

'I'm so sorry- are you ok? I didn't mean to hit you- I did tell you to duck!' The boy was stuttering with a scared look on his face.

'It's fine don't worry. I wouldn't have been able to hear you I had my headphones in. Also, no one ever talks to me when I'm reading!' He looked at the book you had and his eyes lit up.

'The Territory!' He said, 'I love that book! How far in are you?'

'I've already read it a thousand times! Y/N, by the way, nice to meet you.'

'Brooklyn Beckham. Do you want to come over and meet the lads? They all want to apologise.'

You walked over with him to his friends and got to know them all. They were all lovely and a mixture of your year and the year above. You couldn't help but notice that the whole time Brooklyn was looking at you. When it was time to go you said goodbye and started to walk away when you felt your phone go off.

From: Brooklyn
Tomorrow 1:00pm, lunch? ;) x

You turned back and nodded, which was followed by a chorus of cheers by all the boys. The rest of the day you were in a good mood and couldn't stop thinking about tomorrow.

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