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{ Stone }

I slammed my fist against the wall in rage. She had to open her big mouth! My chest was heaving. "Baby, come back to bed," Veronica said. I turned to see that the sheets had fallen off of her body once she sat up, revealing her full breasts. I went back to the bed and started making out with my beautiful girl. Eventually I expressed my dominance by claiming her again, her moans filling the room. Finally, we managed to fall asleep. Tomorrow I will go find Yang Xiao Long and kill her.


{ Ruby }

"Yang, are you home," I called after I tried knocking on the door to see if she'd answer. There was complete silence and it kind of worried me. "Yang?" I walked into her bedroom to find it empty. The bathroom, living room, study, workout room, all empty. Where could she be? I thought about checking to see if Bumblebee was still here. When I did, I began to panic. Where is my sister?! I pulled out my scroll and tried calling her to see if she'd answer. It went right to voicemail. Come on Yang!

I called dad next. "Hey Ruby, is everything okay," he asked.

"No. I can't find Yang and she turned her scroll off. I just tried calling her and it went to voicemail," I said, sounding slightly panicked.

"I'm sure she's fine sweetie."

"I don't know. She tried to kill herself dad."

"She what?! Why?"

"Because she's depressed dad. Why else? It's all because everyone hates her after what happened five years ago. She doesn't feel like she belongs anywhere or is loved anymore."

"That's nonsense! Of course we still love her!"

"There's another thing."


"I saw her making out with a girl yesterday. I knew you weren't going to be happy about it."

"You're right about that. What made her all of a sudden fall in love with girls?"

"I don't know. This girl seemed special to her. She saved Yang though, twice."

"Twice? Are you saying that she tried to kill herself before?"

"Yeah. Her name is Blake. I don't know anything else about her. I don't trust her though. Something about her doesn't sit with me right."

"Try your best to find your sister Ruby. I'll get Qrow to help and get some of your friends too."

"Yes dad. Talk to you soon." Then we ended the call. That was when the search for my sister began. "Please be still alive Yang."


{ Stone }

Thanks to the dust scars I gave the little brat, I'll be able to find her. From what my locator is telling me, she left the city and went somewhere out in the wilderness. Looks like I'm going on a little trip. But first, I needed some backup. "Adam, I need you to come with me on a little trip," I said once he answered my call.

"No problem. What's the trip for?"

"To find and kill Yang Xiao Long. She broke her promise for not telling anyone what I've done to her."

"Sounds like fun. I'll bring our weapons."

"Alright. Meet me at my place in ten minutes."

"Gotcha. See you in ten."

Adam was the only other person who knew what I had done to Yang. Ten minutes had passed and Adam showed up on time. He threw me my sword as I mounted my motorbike. Then we were off riding into the wilderness. Adam and I go way back. You could say that we grew up together. My dad was a Faunus and one of the higher members in the White Fang. That's how Adam and I met. Ever since then, we always had each other's backs.

We didn't reach her location until daybreak of the following day. A cabin? Seriously? I killed the engine on my bike and took Turmoil, my sword, in hand as I approached the cabin. Adam followed my lead and held Blush. Once I reached the front door, I kicked it open. I found Yang and her friend in the living room. Her friend's eyes grew wide once she saw us barge in. "Adam?" He smirked at her.

"Long time no see cousin," Adam said sarcastically almost. Yang was cowering in fear behind Adam's cousin. "Blake, be a good girl and move out of the way. We don't need you to get in the crossfire." She growled and hissed at us.

"Ooo, she's a feisty one," I chuckled. The two of us approached them with our weapons pointed directly at them. "Adam, grab the cat. I'll take the troublemaker."

"With pleasure," Adam said with a grin. He grabbed the cat by her arm and pulled her away from Yang.

"You've been a naughty girl Yang. For that, you need to be punished, indefinitely." Her eyes went wide and flicked between Blake and I. Yang didn't move which was a relief. Then I swung Turmoil at her, giving her a new wound.

"Yang! Run!"

"Shut her up Adam!" Adam nodded and gagged the girl. When I turned my attention back to Yang, I saw her crimson eyes. Perfect! Now we're getting somewhere. "What are you going to do? You're nothing but a coward and a waste of space! No one loves you Yang. I'm doing you a favor."

Suddenly Turmoil was knocked out of my hand. Yang picked it up and pointed it at me, her anger increasing. Then I pulled out my little dust pocket knife. A hint of fear appeared once she saw it. I smirked at her. I had her cornered. Then I lunged at her, landing several attacks with the various dust blades. She had her jaw clenched while I did this. Then she attempted to take a swing at me, failing miserably though. I pinned her to the floor with hunger in my eyes. "You're mine only Yang. No one else can have you. So let's punish you one last time before I put you out of your misery." Her eyes went from crimson to lilac in a flash. She squirmed under me and I tightened my grip. I ripped her clothes off and then pulled my pants down just enough to claim her again. She began to cry and scream.

"BLAKE! I'M SORRY!" Looks like she's admitting defeat. Once I had finished having my way with the troublesome blonde, I grabbed Turmoil and pointed it down at her. "I love you Blake. I always will," Yang cried. Just as I was about to drive Turmoil through the girl's chest, Adam was thrown to the floor and knocked unconscious. Great! Just what I needed right now! Blake tackled me to the floor with her arms around my neck and head.

"You're not going to hurt anyone again Stone," Blake said. I laughed but then was silenced. Just before I was tackled and killed by the cat, I drove Turmoil into Yang's body.

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