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{ Yang }

"What are you doing?!"

"This is just for precaution. We don't need her hurting someone else."

"She's innocent! She was set up!"

"That's what she said five years ago honey."

"Do you seriously think she's going to try to pull something after all she's been through?! It's because of people like you that she's in this state! All you ever do to her is hurt her, physically, emotionally, mentally!"

"She's the one who brought it on herself sweetheart. Sorry to break it to you. Wake up and get your head out of the clouds to face reality."

I heard her voice as she screamed and cried while defending me. My wrists felt cold and heavy. "Blake, it's no use. We've all done the same as you. Most of us were hurt because we stood by her," Pyrrha said.

"Did you know that she tried killing herself twice just to spare everyone," Blake asked.

"She what," Jaune exclaimed.

"You heard me. That's how we first met. I stopped her from walking off the edge of a cliff. I saw all of her pain. She felt alone in this world, thinking that disappearing from the world was the answer to end her suffering. She thought that no one loved her like they used to. It hurt her more than you think. I even had to hear her cry and scream when Stone came to her place the first night I was there, attacking her. S-She was terrified of him. She protected me from having to deal with the same pain as she does. He's been doing this to her for years. If she said a word about what he was doing to her, then he would kill her and he nearly did," Blake explained.

"I never trusted the guy in the first place," Sun said.

"Although, she doesn't know what my cousin did to me," Blake mumbled.

"What do you mean," Ruby questioned lightly.

"I do know the pain that she feels. My cousin got drunk a lot. He never remembered what happened though. When I was thirteen, I made the mistake of trying to take away the bottle from him. He lashed out and attacked me. I nearly died that night. Again and again, he would do this even when I stopped trying. Honestly, I'm only here now because of her. She gave me the hope and strength I needed to survive another day in that house." I didn't know what to believe. She was abused? "She met him today..." Adam did that to her?

"Blake, no one should have to go through what you both are. But you're no longer alone. You have all of us now," Weiss said. Slowly I opened my eyes to see the room filled with the people who still loved me. I realized the I had handcuffs locked around my wrists, making me think back to when I was fifteen, just starting out at the gym.

Coach took me into one of the back rooms that he always keeps locked. I didn't think anything of it. I wanted to run out of there as soon as I step foot into the room. Coach locked the door behind us. This place was a torture chamber basically. "Coach, let me go," I pleaded. He didn't listen to me. He grabbed cuffed chains and cuffed my wrists so I don't run off. In his hand was a red dust coated rope or whip. Dust scars and injuries don't show up until night falls. So you wouldn't even know that I was beaten. I just cried and flinched with each lash. I kept my eyes closed, hoping that this was only a dream or would be over quickly. After ten minutes being chained and lashed, he let me go. I just ran out of there, grabbing my bag and running out the front door. I had some bruising on my wrists from the cuffs and it still hurt. My entire body was screaming as I continued to run. "Why me?"

I had tears running down my cheeks as I recalled that memory of horror. Blake turned her attention to me and rushed to my side. The others soon looked at me as well. "Yang, what's wrong," Blake asked fearfully.

"Get these off of me! I-I can't handle this!" I tried to break them on my own but I couldn't. Everyone was nearly in tears from seeing me in such pain and fear. "G-Get them off please. I don't want him coming b-back."

"Who to come back? Stone is gone Yang." Blake's eyes grew wide as she recalled something it appeared. "Who hurt you when you were restrained?"

"C-Coach," I squeaked. Those dust scars I got from him glowed brighter than the rest, showing them what he did to me. The pain came back from that day like many others. "Make it go away. M-Make it go away." I was surprised to feel a pair of lips pressing against mine. That kiss though changed everything for me. How can she do this? What is this power that she possesses to make me feel better?

Then a guard came into the room upon hearing the commotion. Everyone stared at him menacingly. "Take them off of her now," Pyrrha demanded. The guy didn't budge. "I'm not going to ask again." Pyrrha knew how to intimidate people still. The guard nodded instantly and took the cuffs off. Blake cradled me in her arms as I clung to her.

"Just make sure that she doesn't pull anything," the guard said.

"Trust me, she won't," Nora sternly spoke. Then the guard left the room quickly.

"Who else hurt you Yang? We know that it wasn't just two people to make you like this," Sun said. He was getting protective slightly. I shook my head, afraid to tell them. "Yang, how can we help you if you don't tell us what's wrong?" I couldn't say a word. I was just too worked up.

Blake answered for me though. She knew a bit more than everyone else here. "Besides the fact she's been traumatized, depressed and feels hated." The room went silent. Blake gently rolled up the sleeve to show them the self-inflicted wound that was still healing. "Yang was pushed over the edge thanks mainly to Stone who continued to punish her even after they broke up. She nearly died the night she did this to herself and I have a feeling that she may pull something like this again." I shook my head, trying to hide the truth that I did in fact wanted to try again and again if I have to. "Yang, I know that you're hiding the truth. Playing games with me or anyone won't work this time," she said.

"I don't need to lose my sister too. We already lost mom. I don't need to go visit another grave," Ruby said solemnly as she nearly began to cry. I couldn't handle this. I can't handle any of this.

"I'm sorry for making things worse for you," I squeaked. "I'm sorry that I've screwed everything up."

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