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{ Yang }

As soon as Blake showed me the envelope, I gasped as I knew instantly who it was from. Why does he have to keep torturing me even after we broke up? I took it in hand from her as I was shaking. I broke the seal and pulled out whatever he left this time. It was a note and a photograph.

"Dear Yang,

How's life treating you? Oh that's right. You don't have a life. Everyone still hates you and wishes that you never existed. If you tell anyone of this letter, I will come back here and hurt you. We don't want that happening now, do we?

I hope that you waste away so no one has to see your face. Maybe you should off yourself now while you have the chance. It would be best if you did.

Sweet dreams Goldie.

~ Stone"

I looked at the photograph he also gave me. I couldn't hold myself from crying harder and covering my mouth. A new mark was draw on the exposed skin that was on my body in this photograph. I knew that it would be the mark he would give me if I told anyone about this. Thing is, I already have. He doesn't know that Blake is here with me. No one does. As I looked at the mark longer, the more I could feel the pain already. This one was a different color than the rest. He's changing things up. He's going to give me a mark with orange dust if he finds out that someone already knows. I muffled my sobs with my hand covering my mouth. Why does everyone hate me?! Why?! What hurt more was that the photograph was from my birthday when we were first starting out. I couldn't be here with her seeing me like this. I threw the blanket off of me and dropping the letter, photograph, and envelope from Stone. I heard her gasp softly as she saw my damaged body. Stone was doing this to me even when we were still together and continues to do it if I disobey him from his warnings. Ruby doesn't even know about this. I looked at her with watery eyes and then ran out of the room and locking myself in the bathroom. No one has ever seen me like this. It hurts me more knowing that someone has seen me so broken and damaged. Then she knocked on the door. "Yang," she said softly.

"Just leave me alone," I shouted, tears streaming down my face. But she didn't leave me alone. She just stood outside the door, eventually sitting against it in silence. She just listened to me cry my eyes out. Blake doesn't need to do this. She doesn't need to try to be kind to me or anything. I lost the right to have those luxuries long ago. Eventually I looked at the top of my right hand, seeing the yellow jagged scar glowing. That was the first one. That night replayed in my head as if it was a horror movie.

"Stone, you're too drunk to drive home. Come stay the night at my place so you don't end up getting in an accident," I said. He agreed without realizing he did. I helped him walk out of the bar and we walked to my place which wasn't too far from here. I had just won another match and we decided to go out celebrating. When we got inside my apartment, I placed him on my bed and I was going to go sleep on the couch. However, Stone had a different plan in mind. "Stone, let go!" He kept an iron grip around my wrist and pulled me onto the bed. He pulled something out of his pocket, scaring me. I saw glowing from various colors on what looked like a pocket knife but only having the knives. They were all coated in dust. He took my right hand and dragged one of the blades across the top of it. I screamed in pain. "Stone, stop it! Please! You're hurting me!"

The wound scabbed itself over within minutes and gave off this faint yellow glow. Tears were falling from my eyes. "You're mine now Yang," he said. I was deathly afraid. Stone began to take his pants off and then mine. "No one else can have you." I cringed and cried. I nearly screamed as my body felt like it was set on fire. I was his now. I was his for forever.

"Yang, please open the door," Blake asked softly.

"N-No. You're only going to hurt me," I cried.

"No I'm not. Why would I," she asked, sadness filling her voice.

"Because that's what everyone else does to me! That's what HE did to me!" All of my dust induced scars began to get brighter. I basically became like a colorful night light or a strobe light. I'm so scared. He's going to come back once he hears that Blake is here with me and knows about the envelope and its contents. "No one can save me. He's going to come back and do it all over again! I'm his and his alone," I cried harder. Stone is one of the many reasons why I was driven to my madness. Then someone pounded at my door. No, no, no! He can't be here! "Don't a-answer the door Blake." But she didn't have to. My door was kicked in, slamming against the wall.

"Where is she," he roared. He was here. How did he know that someone was here with me?

"I'm not going to tell you," she snapped in reply. She's going to get herself killed! I couldn't let him hurt someone else. I quickly stood up and opened the door before she got hurt.

"L-Leave her alone Stone. You came here for m-me, not her," I spoke fearfully. He looked at me and smirked. He took out his pocket knife and chose the orange coated blade, approaching me. I backed into the wall, having nowhere to run to. So I just closed my eyes so I wouldn't have to see him do it again. The blade ripped through my skin on my face, going over my left eye as it was drawn on the photograph. "B-Blake, get out of here so you don't have to see a-anything else." I had a feeling though that she wasn't going to leave. Stone grabbed me by the arm and threw me onto my bed. Not again. "Blake just go!"


"Go," I screamed. She finally listened to me and got out of the room just before he did it all over again. I cried and screamed as he claimed me again. This is how he punishes me. He gives me a dust scar and then claims me. Like he said when he did this the first time, I'm his for forever.

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