[ 6 ] -....

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G’day! Please vote and comment if you happen to like this chapter! Please write any suggestions you may have regarding anything ‘Licensed Murder’ coz I think my mind is a bit lost right now :P I know the ending to this chapter will probably make you think ‘WTF was that?” But, please read it anyway coz…. Well just read it J

Peace out (>.<)y


I entered the mansion that was the home of mafia-boy. After entering through the colossal front gates armed with every possible security measure you can think of, you entered heaven. Beautiful maple trees lined the dirt driveway to the mansion but was nothing compared to the building itself. Man, if I were this rich.

“This way please, Miss Row” said a peculiar looking official secretary at the door to the mansion. Thames had insisted on trying to gain mafia-boys trust, and with that reason in mind, decided it would be best to use my real name. More harm than good, I say.

I followed the official with a stiff business-like posture, feeling pretty good in my body-guard attire that consisted of a crisp white shirt under a well-fitted black suit-jacket, long black dress pants and 2-inch black wedges. We rounded the corner and stopped outside a pair of large wooden doors.  

“Mr Alkine is waiting for you. Please go inside.” The official said before turning on her heel with her nose up turned. Hmm… something about her really pisses me off…

I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes. My mind flashed back to the scene at the hospital, feeling the air knock out of me once more. Nothing to worry about, he knows who I am. He’s expecting me. I pushed the door open ferociously in an attempt to regain the little boost of courage I had lost.

His back was turned away from me as he looked out the window onto the beautiful garden below. My footsteps stepped steadily one in front of the other as I made my way cautiously towards him. He wore a light blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, his noticeable toned muscles showcased attractively. Okay, I admit, despite being an idiot, he is quite charming… Damn him. As I surveyed the back of the man whom I was to protect on pain of death like a human shield, the scar down his forearm that I knew very well, could be clearly seen.

“Good morning Mr Alkine, my name is Iris Row and I will be your new body-guard” I said in a neutral tone. Very professional, Iris, well done.

“Ah, welcome… Sorry I didn’t get a chance to look through your resume as I have had a few… things on my mind these days.” He spoke with his back still faced towards me.

My heart quickened a pulse as the reality sunk in. He doesn’t know it’s me.I drew in silent jagged breaths but kept my face calm. I’ve killed so many people without a hint of fear, but when faced with a revelation to do with my identity, I’m shaking in my boots. I could kill him right now and eradicate my fears… but the stern warning courtesy of Thames rung clear in my ears.

Don’t touch a single damn hair on his body. Don’t touch a single crumb of food he is to eat. Don’t kill him. You will die.

You will die. Those words left his mouth just us he got up to leave the diner, leaving me staring off into space for a good twenty minutes waiting for the words to sink in. It’s not like I’ve never heard those words before, but the look in Thames’ eyes as he said them was haunting. Almost as alarming as that weird hand thing that kept haunting me in the land of subconsciousness. Ugh.

“Miss Row! Are you listening?” His raised voice brought me back to my senses in a flash.

“Yes, sir. I apologize” His back was still facing me. “Please Mr Alkine, would you kindly face me” I said, mustering all the bravery in my heart. I closed my eyes expecting a punch, perhaps a glass of water or even glass itself come hurtling towards me and I was ready to defend myself. I winced with my eyelids shut to prevent the glass from hurting my vision. My arms were in a typical Jejudo position, ready to deflect his punches. I covered my front with my dark jacket to cover my body as the inevitable splash of water would soak through showing my underwear.

Suddenly it hit. It was like a tidal wave-

Of laughter.

My eyes flew open. Mafia boy was doubled over, clutching his stomach as he gasped for air in between his laughter. His body shook uncontrollably, his eyes tearing at the corners.

He looked up at me with the most freaking retarted smile as he said “I have never in my-“- he gasped for air before continuing- “-seen a person defend themselves like a giant chicken before!”

My mind flew back to the waitress on the Rogers case and I smirked. I have.

Wait, does mafia boy not recognise me?

As if reading my thoughts, he said after regaining his composure and business-like stance “I know who you are without even opening your resume. I don’t forget names and the faces they belong to. You needn’t explain yourself, but I am curious as to why you would walk straight into the lion’s den…”

I stared back into his eyes with my face as expressionless as humanely possible. This skill I had practiced in assassin school in front of mirror for hours on end. You may not know this, but we assassins happen to be extremely good at gambling. Ever tried to break the poker face of an assassin? Guess not…

I am doing what I was told to do. No questions asked, sir” I replied with ease. Another thing you should know about us assassins is that, boy can we lie.

“Hmm, loyalty aye?” He questioned with one eyebrow raised. I just stood there in a typical army stance, with my legs apart and my hands together behind my back. Crap. I quickly adjested my position to a more business like one and replied to his query.

“The same kind you shall receive from me”

“Very well, Iris Row.” He then walked across the room to a desk littered with stray documents and shuffled them around into neat piles with his eyes fixated on his hands at work. “That’s all very well, but are you fit to your life on line for me?”

“No questions asked” I replied instantly. I was frequently asked this question. ‘For the sake of a kill, will you be prepared to face the prospect of being killed?’ The fact that I was even accepted into the agency was proof of this. Every man and woman in the agency has no sense of self preservation, and never will. That was clear from your very first day on the job.


He picked up a pistol. My heart skipped a beat.

He stepped towards me.

“Ultimate loyalty?” he asked, a meter away. Oxygen stopped flowing into my lungs.

“Yes sir”. My hands trembled by my side. My hairs stood up.

He took another step forward. He closed the gap between us.

He looked into my eyes.

“Obey every order?” He whispered. His breath touching my nose.

“Of course” I whispered back.

The gun in his hand moved. No, his hand moved.

Closer. Closer.

I closed my eyes. Something cold touched my sweaty palm. My eyes flew open.

Two words came out from his lips.

“Shoot me”.


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