Chapter one- Full Moon

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The full moon hung high in the sky, casting an eerie glow on the creatures below. They moved silently, their paws making no noise on the ground as they prowled through the forest. Their destination was a small town, not very far off from the main road, full of both wizard families and muggle families, all about to be slaughtered.

In one wizard household, a mother plays with her children, and they laugh as she makes colors and shapes with her wand. The boy is older, maybe seven, while the girl looks only five. The children are clearly siblings, both with brown, curly hair, and bright hazel eyes. The boy watches carefully, and quietly, his hair cropped short, his nose and face longer than his sisters. The girl watches the colors with wide eyes, her laughter filling up the small home with dainty, beautiful sounds. Every time the girl laughs, the mother laughs with her, and the son laughs with them. Together, they are happy.

The father sits in his study, drunk and exhausted. He hates every noise that blasted child makes. He hates this wife, encouraging her noise. He hates his son, laughing with them. He hates everything right now.

The wolves come closer. Snarling and growling, lightly stalking their prey through the trees. They see the lights in the windows of the houses; they see the people walking through the streets. They smell the people. One bursts from the trees, its teeth aimed at a young woman’s throat.

The screaming begins.

The little girl stops laughing, as a quiet, far away sound fills the house. A woman’s scream of terror, that’s quickly cut off by something. Three pairs of eyes stare out the window. The little girl begins to cry, the little boy stands quietly, his eyes wide and frightened, staring at his mother. The mother stands, her dark hair falling to cover her face, and quickly scoops up the crying infant, soothing her. Surely, the scream had been nothing. A woman had tripped, or been scared by a fox. That’s when more screams began to sound. The mother raced her children upstairs, her eyes full of fear that she hid from her kids. She ran downstairs to find her husband, leaving her two shaking children alone and hidden in the attic.

The father heard the scream loud and clear. It sent a stab of anger through his blurry, drunken mind. So much noise tonight. He stumbled from his study, and out the front door, to see what all the fuss was about. Stepping out into the cold, he saw the blood on the snow, but it took his intoxicated mind a second to understand what that meant. One second too long, and the werewolf was on him, it’s fangs in his upper arm. He screamed, his yell only adding to the ones now filling the streets of the town, as the fear spread from person to person like wildfire. People now filled the streets, running with terror, only to be overcome by a beast. Shrieks were now filling the town, children crying, parents shouting for their loved ones. The wolf, instead of finishing the father off, pushed his bloody body into the snow, and stared him straight in the eye.

The father stared back, and something seemed to pass between them. The father was dragged off, into the forest with the other wolves, to wait while the transformation was complete. His screams were soon filling the trees, and the venom coursed through his system. Soon, he would join the group of wolves. That or he would die.  

The mother stumbled into the father’s office, but he was no longer there. With a terrified sob, she raced through the house, searching for a man that was not to be found. With fear filling the woman’s heart, she yanked open the door, and the hit the ground, as a werewolf tackled her. There was no contest.

The mother was dead.

The two children sat in the attic, wrapped in each other arms, shaking. The little girl was crying, and her brother tried to soothe her, but it was no use. Her wails filled the small space. The brother was just as afraid, but he knew he had to be strong and brave for his sister, so he stayed silent, and calmed her fears. Then, the little boy heard something downstairs. The little girl heard it too; she stood straight up, her eyes eager, the tears vanishing with relief.

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