Chapter 4

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I drove back home, the radio on full blast. Ed Sheeran came on, calming my nerves. Today was a pretty good day. Made friends with the overly attractive new student from England and possibly an enemy with his twin, the not so attractive one. I parked in the drive way of my house and walked inside, being greeted with the smell of my favorite homemade sugar cookies.

"Aw cool, sugar cookies!" I exclaimed, grabbing one, or two, from the massive pile of steaming cookies.

"Thought it'd be a good time to bake again, its been a while since I touched the stove" my mom said, walking in and grabbing a cookie herself.

I smiled at her, "Thanks mom, these look great".

I walked into my room, ready to start my homework. I took a bite of the cookie, savoring each bite. It has been a while since my mom cooked. Ever since she had that back surgery, it was hard for her to move around. That was about 3 months ago, and now she's recovering. Props to her for doing something productive. After scarfing down the first delight, I got a phone call from Makayla.

"Hey" I answered, leaning back into my chair.

"You should come over right now"

"Right now? Makayla, I have homework to do, and it's getting late. How about we hang tomorrow?"

"But you need to come over now. I invited Harry to hang, and he's on his way.I want you to join so you and Harry can bond. Maybe even go out or something".

"Are you serious? Look, he's attractive and all, but the last thing I want is a boyfriend. It's our junior year, and I need to focus on my studies so i can get into a good college. I mean, i'm pretty sure i just bombed my recent math test".

"Julie, we all know you're the smartest girl around, and you can make up for that test. You're doing great in your other classes. Come on, loosen up, have some fun. I think it'll be good if you hang out with a guy again. He really Is a good guy, trust me. Just come over and at least talk to him. And it's not even that late".

I sat there debating whether I should go. I guess it would be nice to start..associating with guys again. My ex boyfriend wasn't the best person around. Ever since him, I've been completely avoidant of guys. I can start off as friends, and maybe even find out more about Marcel, and why he is so antisocial.

"Okay,okay, i'll come over. Just give me five minutes" I finally answered.

"Awesome! Hurry though, he's already here. I gotta go, see you soon".

She hung up without another word.I quickly went into the bathroom to check on myself. I brushed my hair a little and retouched my make up. I made myself decent, and headed off to Makayla's.

"Mom, I'm headin over to Makayla's for a bit".

"Now hold up, what about your homework?"

"I'll only be there for an hour or so, mom, I don't even have that much"

"Why are you going to her house at this hour?"

"It's only 5:30, and she has a friend over that she wants me to meet"

"And who may that be?" She questioned, becoming more invading of my personal life.

I sighed, "It's just a guy. His name is Harry, he's a new kid from England" I explained.

"Just a guy? The last time you were with a guy it wasn't the best time. You sure you want to go?"

"Yes mom, I want to go. And yes, it is just a guy. Makayla told me he's a good person. I'm just going to hang out with the two, okay?"

"Well, okay. Have fun"

"I'll see you later mom".

I closed the door and walked to my car. Leave it to my mom to ask every question in the world, not only that, but bring up Sean. I shook the thoughts out of my head and made my way over to Makayla's. It's time to see what this kid is about.

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