Chapter Ten: The Night Guard

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Luna and Orion went to meet Midnight Winter one night later. Celestia would be there as well, since this was a matter of security. Tonight was the night that the group would choose ponies for Luna's Night Guard. Midnight Winter had been working around the clock, visiting garrisons and interviewing applicants all over Equestria. Celestia, too, had been very involved in the project, even offering to use her magic to convert willing ponies to Batponies, Saberhorns, or Nightwalkers, all of whom were said to be Changeling-proof. The ponies had been trained by the best of the best. Now was the final stage of the process, when Luna would choose for herself a loyal guard. Down the Hall of The Moon they walked, at last stopping at the door of Luna's courtroom. Like several rooms in the palace of Canterlot, it had been redone since Luna's return. The door now shone with new silver leaf, no longer in the shape of a crescent, but in that of a full moon. On another day, it would have made Luna smile to see her the loving work of ponies upon her door. Today, it was only a momentary distraction before the door opened, and Luna and Orion entered the room. Midnight Winter rose at her Princess's entrance, along with about fifty other ponies of various races, who stood at attention as Luna walked along the lines. At last, she returned to Midnight Winter and  and spoke in a voice she hadn't used in a while: "THOU IN THE FIRST TWO ROWS ART DISSMISSED. I SHALL SPEAKETH ONLY TO THINE IN THE BACK THREE." 

Nopony ever questioned the Royal Canterlot Voice. 

When those ponies were gone, Luna looked over the ponies that remained. Returning her voice to its normal volume and speech, she spoke again. "Thank you all for your interest in my safety. I shall interview each of you individually, and the rest may wait here." 

Luna had especially requested a door to separate her courtroom from her study. It would be nice to have a quieter place close by when she set up court again, but there did need to be a separation. The first applicant was a grey unicorn named Cobalt Fire. He was the first of thirty-six applicants, and the first of twenty-four to receive news of their acceptance into the Royal Night Guard. Four others were told that they were to be reserves, in the case that more members should be needed. A small army of tailors and blacksmiths began work on armor, designed in part by Orion. Though he was not truly a painter by trade, he did have an artistic eye, and it could never be said that the armor of a Night Guard was not handsome. 

As the last new Guard left the courtroom for his fitting, Orion and Luna noticed that the door created a draft that swept through the room. 

At least, that's what they hoped had brought that sudden icy chill....

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