Chapter Thirteen: Starlight Waltz

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The sky held not one, but two moons on the lovely night of the first royal wedding in over two thousand years. It was not a large gathering, not publicly announced due to the fact that the groom of the event was from another dimension entirely. Yet, being held in the waterfall glade that was so special to the bride and groom, it had an air of true joy. 

In attendance were Celestia, Solaris, Midnight Winter, the Night Guard, and a few Eqqui ponies, all arrayed in their best clothes. At long last, a curtain of hanging moss was parted, and Orion emerged, clad completely in gleaming silver. A crown rested on his head, making him appear as not merely the Prince of the Night, but its King. 

But nothing could prepare the guests nor the groom for the arrival of the bride.

Luna wore a long veil embroidered in silver, and the shimmering white fabric of the dress was adorned with the same. For a royal wedding, it wasn't very grand. But it was perfect. The silver contrasted with the deep blue of her coat and the aquamarine in her eyes, making her look resplendent in the light of about twenty lanterns that lit her path to Orion. The brightest light of all, however, was the joy in the eyes of the bride and groom. Music, courtesy of the famed Octavia, began to play as Luna walked to her fiancé. 

The music calmed when the two stood together, allowing the gasps of the ponies to be heard. Together, they looked like King and Queen, mighty, wise, and majestic. For that moment, Luna and Orion felt exactly like that. 

Celestia and Solaris were to perform the ceremony in joint. Celestia spoke first, to the gathered ponies: "Dearly beloved, of the lands of Equestria and Eqqus, young and old, we are gathered here to celebrate the union of two ponies very close to our hearts...." Celestia's voice cracked a little bit, tears of joy for her little sister in her eyes. "We join them in celebrating love, for family, for kingdom, and for each other." Then Celestia turned and spoke to Orion. "Orion, do you have something that you would like to say?"

The now teary-eyed stallion looked directly at his bride and began to speak as he placed Luna's ring on her horn: 

"I take you to be my partner for life

I promise above all else to live in truth with you, 

And to communicate fully and fearlessly.

I give you my hand and my heart

As a sanctuary of warmth and peace

And pledge my love, devotion, faith and honor

As I join my life to yours."

Celestia nodded ever so slightly as Solaris turned to Luna and asked her the same. Luna smiled and began to speak as she lifted Orion's wedding ring onto his horn:

"You are my lover and my teacher,

You are my model and my accomplice,

And you are my true counterpart.

I will love you, hold you and honor you,

I will respect you, encourage you and cherish you,

In health and sickness,

Through sorrow and success,

For all the days of my life."

Solaris held it together, though just barely. The two sun alicorns stood tall as they spoke in unison: "Then by the power vested in me by the Sun and the Moon, I now pronounce you stallion and mare!" 

The newlyweds smiled at each other before turning around to greet their guests.


Later on, as the guests began to settle in with their food, Luna and Orion reentered the glade, and Octavia began a new melody, this time on a piano.

Octavia had written it especially for this occasion, inspired by the beautiful stars that were placed in the sky by the bride and groom. She called it "The Starlight Waltz".

Orion and Luna began to dance, using their wings to lift them off the ground in a skyward waltz. The night glittered around them as they went higher, dancing together in a starry swirl of magic. At last, as the music faded into the night, the two night alicorns flew gently back to the ground. 


After the guests had gone home, Orion escorted Luna to a hilltop where they could see the great expanse of night sky above and the land of Equestria stretched below. They wore their wedding rings, and silvery crowns, whose existence was known only to them. They were made of pure magic, and would only be worn at night, unlike their rings. No, the crowns represented a different aspect of their union, that of their shared responsibility for the night and the wellbeing of the ponies that slept in it. 

Leaning her head against Orion's shoulder, Luna sighed. "I'm sorry that you have to go so soon." 

Orion shook his head. "As am I. But I'll be back before you know it. Eqqus does need a Guardian during the night hours, though their night is opposite yours. I'll be back tomorrow night."

"I know. But I'll miss you anyway."

Orion laughed. "I guess you should, now that we're married."

The sound of Luna and Orion's laughter went spiralimg into the night, seemingly making the stars glitter even brighter than before. Somehow, the Starlight Waltz began to play. Maybe it was all in their heads. Maybe it was magic. But it was beautiful, all the same. Orion stood, bowed, and offered Luna his hoof. "Dear wife, will you give me the honor of this dance?" 

Luna smiled and placed her hoof in his. "I will, and every dance afterwards." 

So as the night began to fade, this Starlight Waltz continued, growing stronger with the love of the night alicorns that danced it together. 

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