Chapter ~ Four: Taken, with a Fight

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hey i know i was suppose to post on friday but i was so excited when I finished this That I had to post it a day early. lol to Ayesha, this should keep you happy. it is going to be harder to post chapters now since I am In year 10 ( I feel so old) It would have been longer if my BROTHER GOT OFFF THE FRICKEN COMPUTER!

 LoL yeah :P anyway FAN COMMENT VOTE do ur thing.



 * * * * Saniya * * * *

My hair draped down one side of my face as I sat on the bed. I closed my eyes as I could feel my head begin to throb. How did mother do it, an arranged marriage? How did she cope with him and then still be able to trust other men afterwards. I just did not understand.

Suddenly the cnadle in the room blew out.

 I raised my head, and all at once I felt an arm grab onto my waist, I screamed but it was silenced by a hand over my mouth. I tried to shake the person off, but they did not seem to budge. Then I felt deep breaths on my ear and I froze. My breath caught in my throat.

 "Hmmm, you do look the part of a princess," a deep voice whispered. My eyebrows dipped as I recognised it then I realised who it was.

The prisoner.

I tried to raise my hands but they were restricted under the large arm around my waist. The man's arms were strong and doubt filled my mind on whether I could escape from his clutches. He laughed menacingly, and then slowly pushed me forwards so that I was standing and he was kneeling on my bed from behind.

 "You showed me your hospitality..." he stated lightly. Then he hissed coldly, "Now I will show you mine."

 I could not think. I could not breathe. I could not do anything. I was frozen to the floor. My mind kept screaming at me to move but my body refused to listen.

 I could feel my neck tingle from his breath. "Oh poor princess, what happened to all your anger and your fierceness now?" He cooed, pretending to be worried.

 My eyes darted around the room, finding anything useful. However everything was on my table and my room was quite big. My breathing became ragged and fear swirled inside me. I was scared but I tried not to show it.

Just breath, calm down and think straight, I repeated to myself. I closed my eyes and concentrated on my breathing, I needed to think of something, quickly. Silence fell for a moment, all I could hear was my breathing, and his.

 "Have you surrendered to me already, I was expecting more of a fight." He whispered, a tad disappointed but I could tell he was smiling. I could feel his firm body against my back and his arm constricted tighter around me.

 My door was the closes thing towards me, if I could escape I could ran out to Nyla, or anyone in fact. It was now or never, I mustered up about all my fury and hatred towards him, and how much I wanted to hurt him.

 Suddenly I bit down hard on his hand, he let go instantly and cried in pain. I pushed him off with as much force as I could and dashed to the door.

 But before I could grab the handle, I was forced down to the ground. I cried in pain as the air was knocked out of me against the tiled floor. I could not breathe; my chest ached from regaining air and it did not help when there was a heavy weight on top of me.

 I struggled to stand, though his hands had pinned my wrists on either side of my head to the floor.  He shook me hard causing more pain to erupt through my head and chest, silencing me. Tears started to run down my face, these were tears that no man should see, especially this bastard!

Hate, With Passion (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now