Kylo Is Sick

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At Starkiller base, of course, Kylo has managed to catch a cold and is coughing and sneezing everywhere.

"Honestly, Ren. Have some self respect." Hux would tease.

Kylo threatens him with his lightsaber, "I'm not in the mood, ginger prick!"

But Hux just smirks. "I dare you." He knows Ren wouldn't do it. He's too weak to kill Hux.

He puts his saber away and Hux takes his hand. "I'm taking you back to bed. If you get my troops sick you will have to pay for it."

Kylo hates it when Hux acts like this. It reminds him of his mother.

When they reach Kylo's chamber, Hux wraps the knight of Ren in thick black blankets and brings him warm beverages. "Get some rest. You'll get better faster that way."

And Kylo just smiles. Because he knows that Hux really cares. He can read minds, remember? He just has to put up this angst, full-of-hatred personality on to keep up his reputation.

And Kylo falls asleep with a smile on his face and his head filled with happy thoughts.

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