not really about Kylo but Finn because he's so cute

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(See above picture)

It got me thinking. Because Finn was a stormtrooper he probably never experienced affection. So when he finally did (from Poe obviously) he really liked it so he went around hugging and kissing everyone so they felt as happy as he did when he was hugged or kissed.

Just imagine.

(After Finn finds out Poe isn't dead)

Poe hugs Finn because he missed him and Finn doesn't understand why this attractive guy has his arms wrapped around him and holding him in a warm embrace but he isn't complaining because it makes him feel warm and bubbly inside. Finn can't exactly explain this feeling because he's never experienced it before. It makes him feel happy and he never wants to let go. But Poe pulls away slightly to grab his face and kiss him. Again, Finn doesn't know what he's doing so he copies Poe and, again, it makes him feel happy and bubbly inside. He really likes this feeling. He wishes everyone could be as happy as he was right then. So every time he meets someone, wether they're a new person or one of the Resistance, he greets them with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He keeps doing this for a while now. Even managing to give Han a peck while he was caught off guard.

Finn is lovely.

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