Missing (Chapter 20)

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Casey's POV

"I don't have time to deal with this."  I said rubbing my head.

"Her jacket and one of the cars are gone."  Shane said looking out the window.

"Well maybe you should trust her to be alone." I replied.

"I'm going to look for her."  He said running out the door.

I sat down in a chair with a huge headache.  Everyone just stared at me like they were waiting for me to do something.

"What?" I asked.

"What can we do to help her?" Maggie asked.

"I don't know."  I replied.

"Well maybe you could..."  I didn't let her finish.

"Look, I don't want to deal with this right now.  I don't know what to do and I can't help you guys. So shut up and back off!"  I yelled.

They all stared at me in shock and fear.  I looked into the mirror and my eyes were red.  I shut my eyes tight and opened them and they were back to green.

"I-I'm sorry." I said walking out of the room.

"Casey wait." Andrea called out but I ignored her and ran outside. I went to the first place I could think of, the barn. I went inside and went back to my corner.

"Casey?"  I heard Carl's voice call out.

"Go away Carl."  I said.  But he didn't listen, he climbed up and sat I front of me with his head in his knees.

"Are you ok?"  He asked.


"It's going to be ok."

"I know you're trying to make things better, but it isn't helping."  I replied.

"It's not your fault.  None of this is your fault."  He said.

"But everyone hates me."

"No one hates you, we all love you."  He said grabbing my hand.

"Thanks, but look in my eyes, it's where my demons hide."  I said, he scooted closer.  "Don't get to close, it's dark inside.

"You aren't a demon."  He said.

"You've seen my eyes, and you've heard my voice, it's inhuman. And everyone either is scared of me or thinks I'm a freak."  I said.

"I'm not scared, and you aren't a freak.  You're unique, and I like that."  I didn't reply I just smiled.  He scooted next to me and we sat there in silence.

Lori's POV

I got worried about Rick, and if Daryl won't help then I'll do it myself.

So I took a gun, map, and my jacket and headed off with one cars. I got a few miles out and I looked at the paper map. I looked at it putting no concentration on the road.

As I looked up a walked was right in front of the car. I panicked and swerved off the road. All I saw was the car flipping and everything went black.

Rick's POV

We pulled up to the bar and Glenn stopped me.

"I know about Lori, being pregnant and everything." He said.

"Yeah I guessed that." I replied.

"I got all of the stuff for her, and I should of told you I'm sorry."

"No, you didn't know better." I replied as we got out of the car. We walked in the bar and there sat Hershel.

"Hershel." I said.

"Who's with you?" He asked.


"Did Maggie make him come?" He asked.

"No he volunteered, Maggie didn't want him to come." 

"Oh."   I walked next to him seeing the glass in his hands. Seeing him this way was out of place. I've known him to be stronger than this. I won't let him fall back down this hole.

"How many have you had?" I asked.

"Not enough." 

"We need you back at the farm, Beth is in some state of shock.  We need you to help her. Casey doesn't know what to do. Beth is burning up with a fever." I explained.

"What's the point?"

"She needs you, we all need you."  Glenn replied.

We heard something outside and the doors opened.  In came two men, one them spoke up.

"Well look what we have here."

20th chapter!!!!  Thank you guys for everything!  This was a cute Carlsey chapter.  The song was Demons by Imagine Dragons.  Sadly this book is coming close to its end. There might be a sequel, there might not, depends on what happens. Please comment so I know I'm not writing to ghost readers!  Love you guys!

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