Insane (Chapter 18)

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I'm really sorry I haven't updated In a while. It's because of the holidays and my really good friend just died of an unknown heart disease so I've been dealing with that. This chapter is a little shorter, but please enjoy it!

Casey's POV

What have I become? Where is life going with this? This is getting to far. Why me, out of all the people ever, why me? What's even the point of living nowadays? It would be better to be dead. I could be with my family, friends, Sophia.

But no, everything that's been happening, is insane. I'm insane. And probably because of this everyone will hate me, or make me leave the group. I can't go through that, not again, never again.

So right now I'm hiding in the barn curled up in a ball. I'm really trying not to cry, it hurts. I still don't know why, but it hurts.

I heard talking outside and I looked out a small hole. Everyone was surrounding three holes with body bags beside them.

They put the bodies in the holes and put the dirt on them. They stood there for a moment in silence. Then they all walked off with out a word.

I laid against the wall for awhile. The others took the other dead bodies somewhere to burn.

I heard someone come into the barn and I backed into a corner.

"I know you're up there." Carl's voice said. "Stop hiding Casey." he climbed up the ladder to get to me.

"Don't come near me, I'm a monster."

"You aren't a monster." He said sitting next to me.

"You saw what I did, my voice, my eyes."

"So? Everything has to lead to something for the future." He took ahold of my hand and I looked at him sniffing.

"I'm sorry, about Sophia."

"You've got nothing to apologize for, Casey."

"She was your friend." I looked away.

"And so are you. You're my best friend." I looked back to see him smiling.

"You're my best friend too."

"I think we're our only friends to be honest." He said and we both laughed. I leaned my head against him.

"Where do you think we'll be in the next year?"

"I don't know. But I know we'll be together with my parents and everyone else. Forever and always."

There was a loud crash coming from inside the house making us both sit up.

"What was that?" I asked getting up.

"We should go see." He replied standing up too.

"No, you go and see what it is. If it's anything important come back and tell me."

"Ok." He walked down and went outside, I sat down against the wall.

Carl's POV

I walked inside the house to see what happened. I went into a room and saw Beth on the bed. Mom, dad, Shane Maggie, Glenn and Patricia surrounded her.

"Where's Hershel?" Dad asked.

"We don't know." Glenn replied.

"Looks like he's brought back an old friend." Shane said throwing dad an alcohol bottle.

"Is there a bar around here?" Dad asked.

"Yeah." Maggie replied.

"I know where it is I'll go with you." Glenn said as him, dad, and Maggie went outside.

"Has anyone seen Casey, she might help." Lori said. They shook there heads, I didn't want to say anything so I went back to the barn and up to Casey.

"Beth's in shock, they could really use your help." I said to her.

"No, I would probably make it worse." She replied.

"You wouldn't make it worse. We can't find Hershel, and really could use your help."

"I don't know, what if something happens again."

"Come down, if you don't I'll tell the others your up here." I said hoping she would come down.

"They wouldn't care." She said turning around so I couldn't see her.

I walked back into the house where mom was.

"Mom, Casey's in the barn. She won't come out, and we could really use her help." I said to her.

"Ok, you stay up here I'll go talk to her."

Casey's POV

I heard someone come in and I thought it was Carl, but it wasn't.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Why won't you come down?"  Lori asked.

"Because, I'm going to mess up."

"Mess up what? So you're different. Everyone is different in their own way."

"No it's just, I'm ashamed of my life, because it's empty." I said really trying not to cry.

"You have us, you're life isn't empty. Now please, come down." She said as I looked down.

"Ok." I climbed down and went inside to see what happened. Lori went somewhere to find Daryl, she said something about him finding Rick and Glenn.

"So what do we do?" Maggie asked holding Beth's hand.

"She's in shock, burning up, and her pulse is fast. It would be better if Hershel helped her. I don't have any medical supplies for this. But he might." I said as Shane rushed in.

"Where's Lori, I can't find her." Shane said.

"She went looking for Daryl." I replied.

"No, I just saw him. She's gone."

Hope you liked this chapter sorry it's a little short. The song is Because of You by Kelly Clarkson. Hope you had a great Christmas and New Years!

The Immune (The Walking Dead/Carl Grimes)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon