Borderline (Chapter 15)

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Casey's POV

I now kind of regret going in the woods. It was stupid, I just woke up from a coma and I headed into the woods weak. I made it back home with a squirrel to cook up. I sat at the fire eating it and sharing some with Carl. I glanced up at Rick who was staring at me. I wonder if he felt bad? Why does he care so much about me?

I got to sleep inside on the bed. I invited Carl to stay with me but both Rick and Lori wouldn't allow it. So I laid alone staring at the ceiling. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't remember what life was like before. What was Carl and Rick like before? I know Rick and Shane were both police. Carl must've been in school, fifth or sixth grade maybe. I fell asleep and had no dreams. The next morning I helped Lori and Carl feed chickens.

"The mother chicken is missing. I guess she was eaten, everything is something else's food." Carl said sighing.

"Preach it boy!" I said sarcastically. He just laughed and kept feeding the chickens. I noticed Hershel's horse came back, and something was in it.

Later I went outside to see Dale talking to Lori. Exactly like from my dream. So that means he's going to talk to Hershel soon. I looked over to my left to see Rick with a piece of paper. It looked like the thing on the horse I saw earlier today.

He put the paper in his pocket and walked away. I haven't talked to him since yesterday. He knows some things about me, but not the whole truth.

There's just one more very personal thing I keep to myself. But I have to tell someone, Hershel would understand it. Even though it wasn't his field, he is still wise. And lately I've been feeling it sink back into my mood. Well my many moods.

So once I saw Dale leave the stables and Hershel walked inside I followed him in.

"Hershel can I talk to you?"

"What is it?" He asked.

"Well, it's something I feel I should tell one of you. And so I came to you hoping you would, understand, my condition." We sat down at the table so we could talk.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Have you heard of something called, Borderline disease? It's like a mental condition..."

"I know what it is. Do you have it?" He asked. (I don't really know a lot about Borderline disease either but it is a real thing.)

"Yes, but not very much. Lately been it's been, active, and I wanted someone to know what's been happening." I sighed rubbing my head. "My chest feels like it's sinking in. And no one is helping it with all of the none sense going on. My head can't wrap around one feeling. One moment I feel like I can't stop smiling the next I feel as if I could walk into the woods and never come back."

(Please read!!! Borderline disease is like a mental illness sort of. It's when someone can have huge mood swings that can be dangerous. The picture shows what it means. It is also referred to as bipolar disorder)

"Well if you need any guidance I'll be here." He said standing up. "Mental illness is not a joke in this family. Sadly I can't provide any medicine or proper therapy but you have me and my whole family's support."

"Thank you." I replied hugging him. He was caught off guard but hugged me back.

I took a deep breath walking outside. I was stopped by Lori hanging clothes on the clothing line.

"I need to talk to you." She said finishing the laundry. Seems like everyone wants to talk to me recently. That's new.


"So when you woke up from the coma. You knew my secret, and said you knew from a dream. What did you mean?" She asked.

"It's really confusing." I explained to her about my dream I had before I met them and then the one before Carl was shot. I didn't expect her to understand it she nodded along.

"So now you have dreams, that predict the future, and make you know things?"


"Are you sure your human?" She asked.

"Nope!" I said popping the p.  "Anyways how everything going?" I asked.

"I'm fine, you?"

"Yeah, just a little weak."  I saw Glenn and Maggie come through the gates.  Maggie looked really angry and she had blood on her shirt.  It looks like they went on a run.  Maggie came up to us.

"We got your things, your shampoo, conditioner, medicine, and your abortion pills."  Maggie said stomping away.  Abortion pills?

"If you change your mind I also got some banana vitamins." Glenn said softly going away.

"You, you're...?"  I said.

"I know, I just didn't want to put the baby through this.  And I didn't want anyone to be effected my this." She said.

"Does Rick know?"

"No, not yet."  She headed into the RV and I followed her.

"I don't want you to go through this before.  I will support what ever you do."  I said, as she nervously opening the pack of pills.  She grabbed a water bottle and put the pills in her mouth.  She drank the water, and swallowed. Her face grew red and tears formed in her eyes.

"I- I can't do this."  She got up and ran out of the RV.  She kept running and stopped.  She stuck her fingers down her throat and threw up the pills.

Then she sat down by the fence and started to cry.  I watched from the RV wondering if I should go to her. But she didn't need me there. She needed to be alone.

Rick's POV

Shane and I got back from the hunt and I looked for Lori.  I didn't find her so I headed into the RV and saw the last thing I would expected to see.  Abortion pills.

My heart stopped when I saw there was none left.  Now I had to find her.  I saw Casey and grabbed her arm. Since she seems to know everything, she probably knows where Lori is.

"Where is she?" I asked as she pointed to the fence where Lori sat.  I went over to her and squatted beside her. Her head was between her knees and she couldn't even look at me.

"How long have you known?" I asked.

"A few days, I was going to tell you.  And I threw up the pills."

"Who else knows?"

"Glenn, Dale, and Casey. And now that we're talking I should finally tell you something.  Shane and I..."

"Don't just don't."

"I thought you were dead, we all thought you were dead."  She cried and I walked away speechless.

How did we end up here?

Casey has Borderline disease/ bipolar disorder it says what it is on the picture.  The song is End Up Here by 5SOS.  Please vote and comment!

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