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Autumn returned back home relieved and worried at the same time. She was on cloud 9 knowing that Val loves her. At the same time, she didn't know what to say to her family. She couldn't simply tell them about her new boyfriend.
Val had the same feelings too. He couldn't tell the rest of the cast about Autumn, yet only one person already knew about their romance. Sharna went to Val later that night.
- Start talking.
- Talk about what?!
- That girl.
- Who?
- The girl you danced with on stage.
- I dance with girls every night. It's not a big deal.
- Yeah but I saw the way you looked at her. You love her, don't you?
- Well....
- I knew it.
- But please don't tell anyone.
- I can only promise if you tell me everything.
- Fine fine. Her name is Autumn. I met her in the previous tour and we stayed in touch for a while. We're kinda dating although we didn't quite go on an official date. I just fell in love with her the moment I saw here. Ever since I met her, I couldn't take her off my mind.
- I don't want to crash your dreams but this is a serious issue. Have you figured out how to make this relationship work? She's just a normal girl and you have a really busy schedule.
- I know I know but I told her not to worry. We'll manage to find a way. Don't worry.
- One more thing...
- Ughh what? Can't you just leave me happy for a few minutes? I don't want to worry about anything right now. I just want to celebrate.
- Just promise me that you won't break her heart. Ok?
- Of course! I promise. She's my girl now and I'll make sure that she's the happiest girl on earth.
- Good good...

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