Chapter 4: Bets and Threats

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They all froze. We stared at each other for what felt like forever, I had slowly inched to towards Ryan and was now at his side. Suddenly Kasey and Maddy whoop, high five and fist bump. "You guys owe us $50 each!", Ryan looks dumb founded but I catch on quickly, "You Made BETS!!On MY life!". The boys cower back, not including Ryan of course. The girls just congratulate us while Maddy simply rely's , "Yep, good timing by the way. Much longer and  the boys would have won". She shivers on the last sentence , Kasey and I also doing so but can you blame us?. The guys being right for once. Now that's a sign of the apocalypse.

"HEY!!" The boys shout in unison. Creepy. "What we were just contemplating the world ending because you guys were right," I reply coolly. The boys just role their eyes eyes and give us looks like 'really,are you serious'. We give them innocent smiles in return.

Theo sighs and walks to Maddy, pulling her into his side before he before suggesting, " Why don't we go get some ice cream to celebrate the new couple."We all cheer in agreement.

I spend the rest of my day with my friends and boyfriend, laughing, eating and relaxing. By the end of the night I'm exhausted and falling asleep on Ryan's shoulder. I feel my self being lifted into strong arms with ease. I inhale the scent that is so beautifully Ryan and let my self fall to sleep. The last thing I remember before sleep takes me away is a sweet kiss on my fore head and hearing, "Good night Princess,".

Ryan's Pov. (Surprise, wasn't expecting that were you).

She's mine, she's actually mine. The truth is I rejected my mate. I wanted Lilly. Only Lilly. I finally got what I wanted.

My real mate was actually really happy and excited to be with me but started playing boys when I rejected her. It's really not my fault that Lilly was better. She is and all ways will be better.

When we were kids Josh got to close to her. So I used my powers to make him slowly change friends. My mother was a witch that died in battle. We told my friends she died giving birth to me and that we couldn't take being where she lived anymore.

I couldn't make him reject her because mate bonds are too strong. Luckily he changed enough that he hated her. He will want her back though, he had a crush on her and he'll remember everything he loved about her.

I just have to make sure she doesn't want him back. This'll be easy she loves me, she may not know it herself but she does. Soon she'll say it to me and everything will be perfect...nothing will get in the way, I'll make sure of that.

*Next Day*
Lilly's Pov

Ugh, school. Oh well, at-least it's Friday. I have a date with Ryan tonight. I really like him, I just don't think I can. I can love him. He's not my soulmate. I won't he whole with him. I'm not saying I want Josh. Not at all. It's just, I could have a mate.

I have a second chance mate out there. I could be happy with Ryan but it could be amazing with my second chance mate. I have to tell him. It wouldn't be right to continue this when I'm not sure.

I finish getting ready and go to school. I walk into the hallway and see him at my locker. Here goes nothing. "Hey....", I drawl out. This is so hard!

"Hey beautiful", he leans in for a kiss but i doge it. "What's wrong", I take a deep breath looking down and whisper, "This."

"Wha-what's, this?", "Us. I'm not sure about us. I don't know if we should be together." I answer honestly.

"Is this because of Josh. He's not good for you! He can't tell you not to be with me when he sleeps with other girls." He yelled getting mad. I take a breath and try and calm down but fail miserably,"Don't raise your voice at me. It wasn't Josh. I just don't love you. I want my soulmate, my other half!", I'm practically screaming by the end.

"That is Josh!He's your mate! Idiot."
"We both have second chance mates! Mate is still in the name! How dare you call me an idiot. We're done. I just didn't want to hurt you. Just leave me alone." I run out of school, pissed off. How could he say those thing? That's it, Netflix and ice cream. I'm spending the day in bed.
Ryan's Pov

She just broke up with me. She was meant to forget about Josh! She will not leave me! I'm gonna make her be with me one way or another. She is mine.

That girl is mine (song name)

Time to start my plan I thought as I walk out of the school cooly. People are staring at me. Im glad that our little show will give them some gossip. I just hope Josh thinks she's difficult and annoying and doesn't use this to get her back. *Scoff*Like I'd let that happen.

I've grown attached to Theo and John. I hope they don't get in the way. I'd hate to kill them, but if I have too.... Consider them dead.

Now where's that stupid magic book mum owned.  I have some spells to cast. Oh you better watch out. I'm going to get you back Lilly and it won't be very pretty...
Lilly's Pov

Just what I needed. I'm lying in bed with Ben and Jerry. They didn't call me an idiot.

Maddy and Kasey will be home soon. What will happen to our friends group. Great, I'm sad again. Hopefully the girls will take me on a shopping trip.

I look at my window and see their cars pulling up. I really hope this doesn't ruin our friends group. I couldn't stay with Ryan though. It would have been wrong.

I hear them walking to the room. My door opens revealing my best friends. "What's wrong, you and Ryan weren't at school. We were worried." "I....we broke up.", I blurt out. They looked shocked. "Please say something. Anything."

"YES! You really did brake up!" We look to see Josh fist pumping the air. "Why are you so happy," I ask.

Then he says those 4 words most mates beg to hear. "I want you back."

So many twists. So Ryan's first Pov. Some new information. First time putting a song up. By the it's called, The Girl Is Mine, cover found on YouTube. I can't remember the singers names but if you want to know, ask and I'll tell you. Okay, shout out to JessicaGodinez-Lopez. Thanks for the read and vote! Bye people!

Not just a rejected mateTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang