Chapter 2:Dream or Nightmare

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I'm in my bed, the kitchen with my friends, school. Memories flash through my mind. I refused to go into depression after the rejection but it was really hard. People talking. Homework. Joshua walking up to me.
"Look I'm done with stupid bond so can we just break it already", he says it like he means it but I can see his wolf is trying to get out. To get to me.

He starts to walk away taking my silence as a yes but i haven't had my say yet. "No. You never gave me a valid reason for the rejection. I'm just as strong as you! Your not in high ranks! We're the same level: Pack members. So stop going around acting like an alpha. I will NOT be braking the bond until I know why."I couldn't believe the power to my voice but I had to at least appear strong. I can't truly move on until I know, until my wolf knows.

He stares at me for a minute, apparently my speech attracted attention because now we've got an audience. He slowly walks up to me and, and, the d**k slaps me." You want to know why? You want to know why?!", "Didn't I just say that?", I ignore the stinging in my cheek and look him in the eye mockingly. I won't let him know he hurt me. I just won't.

His eyes flicker with emotions, at first anger but then he almost looked proud and some other emotion I don't know for a split second. Now we're back to anger and hatred. Goodie. Note the sarcasm.

"You're not what I want. You know what you did to me! How can you possibly believe that I would forgive and forget so easily?"He takes deep breaths trying desperately to remain calm as everyone's attention is already on us. Once he has regained control he spits " 4:45 Thursday, the clearing we used go to. Be There!"

Memories from my child hood. Playing with Josh everyday with our friends. Laughing and sharing toys. Memories of only the two of us in the secret clearing we found. Where we went when the world was to much. We used to tell each other everything, then one day it slowly started to change. Less time with me and more time with the 'popular people'. We used to be connected at the hip. So happy. We were still friends for a while but I couldn't take it when he became a player. I may have had the smallest crush on him. Seeing him with girl after girl, I just couldn't look him in the eyes anymore.

Next thing I know I'm walking in to the clearing. Our clearing. Don't know how he remembers, he acts like we were never friends. He's standing their with a knife. " Are you really going to do this?" I ask. I try to keep my face emotionless. His face almost looks hurt that I don't seen to care but I have to be imagining it. Oh look, yep, back to hatred. " I'm amazed you turned up, you haven't been here for years." he says dryly, ignoring my question completely." Too many memories but I guess our story can end where it began," I reply, acting bored. "O-Okay, let's do this", he says shaking. He seems more like he's trying to convince himself or his wolf. I don't want this. I repeat it in my head like a mantra. Too late. He's slit his wrist and is now holding the knife out to me, letting droplets of his blood fall into the clean grass.

I'm frozen. I can't do it. That simple crush from when I was a kid was actually my mate and he was going to break our bond. The emotions I feel swirl inside of me slowly driving me insane to the point where I become unconscious of my actions.

Something cool slides across my wrist. cold drips of blood flow down my wrist. He reaches over and turns his wrist letting our blood, traces of our heart, meet. And with the ancient chant I feel our bond shatter. It hurts more than I'd have ever thought possible and I begin to black out. But I manage to say one last thing to him.

"You did it, you really did it".
*Dream Ends*

I shoot up, eyes wide open and gasping for air. Everything that happened rushes back to me. I fainted from the pain once my friends had got there and found me.

I look around and find I'm in the pack hospital. I see Ryan and Maddy in the chairs beside the bed. Fast asleep. Hmmm, I feel fine so would a prank still be a bad idea. Probably but who cares.

I see a food tray with hospital food on it. Yuck. Might as well put it to use. Jelly and cream. Did they know I was going to prank my friends? I put some jelly in Ryan's left arm and the same in Maddy's right arm. I carefully tickle their sides so they swat at each other. I quickly jump back and roll on my bed laughing. Their faces are covered in jelly and cream. Hahahahah. They look really mad until they see it was me. Hey, there are benefits to being in hospital, I think. Until of course they hug me and I get it on my face too.

They roll their eyes at me and go back to sleep in MY bed. Technically the hospitals bed but it's my room. I'm too tired to fight so I curl up with my best friends and fall asleep to their breathing.

I leave the hospital the next day. Walking through the pack house I get lots of sympathetic looks but I don't care. It's his loss and you know what I won't feel pain when he has 'fun' with other girls (or boys, I don't care). I don't have to deal with him. I should celebrate. Yep I should because I'll take any excuse for a slice of cake.

I spend my day with Bella, Maddy and Kasey. Girls day. They both love my little sister so it's fine and playing those games lets us get away from our world. By the end of the day I'm exhausted. I fall into my bed with a thump. Good night world
Next chapter will hopefully be better, sorry and oh_cool  thankyou for reading and voting.

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