Chapter 1: Bonds Braking

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From a distance they just look like two people in a clearing in the woods. Maybe even a couple. But if you look closely you see true hatred in the male's eyes while the female is emotionless. Now if your a human and you saw them putting a slit on one wrist each, you'd tell them to stop and there's no need to hurt your selves but if you were say a werewolf, then you'd know these are two mates braking their bond.

Putting drops of their blood together so they'd no longer feel the pull of the bond or the sparks when they touch. It sounds crazy right, leaving your soulmate, your other half, the one to always love you. Well not to Joshua Dean King, you see I'm the victim here. You know how rare second chance mates are?! I may never get another mate! Sorry I got a bit distracted, anyway why don't we get back to this lovely scene before us.

"You did it, you really did it" the girl said keeping her face void of emotion but unable to stop the crack in her voice.

Allow me  to explain what's going on here. I Lilly Celeste James have just broken my bond with my mate. Oh didn't I mention that I'm a werewolf. Yeah that was me ranting about it before. He didn't even have a valid reason for rejecting me. I've never hurt anyone but I'm not weak. He just had to hurt me one of the worst ways a mate could:Rejection.
I still dream about that day every night.

There's that smell again, ugh, I can't go look for my mate because stupid humans go to this school. I'm sitting with my friends as usual, I've mind linked them that I smell my mate so they understand why I'm so distracted.

You see I'm a werewolf, no we don't just kill randomly in the woods, we live in packs. My pack is the Blood Moon pack in Beacon Park. We go to school with humans too but they don't know about us so I can't just track down my mates scent!

Anyway, only my pack and humans go to this school so I'll meet my mate at the pack house. You see we can only smell our mates one we've reached 16 and today's actually my 16th birthday. Mates are what humans call a soulmate, your other half or S.O.

The bell for the end off lunch brakes me out of my thoughts. I make my way to 5th period with a sigh. I had been so distracted by my mate that I didn't eat, and trust me that means a lot!


I get out of Theo's are car in a rush. My wolf Rachel is going crazy screaming 'Mate,Mate,Mate,Mate' ,she has been all day! I run inside, dropping my bag somewhere along the way with a shrug of my shoulders. I find my way to the living room, where I see the hottest/ most gorgeous/biggest jerk on the earth. Joshua King. He's that guy every guy wants to be, he's that guy who gets all the girls he wants, he's the one that's going to be the end of me.

He turns and looks me right in the eye, pointing a finger and sneers at me "You are not my mate, my mate should be someone smart and gorgeous. Not some obnoxious b**ch. You know what, I Joshua Dean King reject you Lilly Celeste James as my mate", and with that he walks out of the room.

The good thing is, I'm nice to people so they actually like me unlike the girls who sleep with everyone to be popular. I usually wouldn't care but today I'm so glad because only those popular people laughed but everyone else said he didn't deserve me.

Curled up on the floor in pain, yes, but broken, nope not just yet. And you know what, I'm not gonna let him brake me, I will get over you Joshua Dean King mate or not.
*Flashback Over*

I'm a woken from the memory by my friends. "We did it, we actually did it" and with that I fall to the floor crying. I lost my soul mate but you know what. Damn the odds I will be happy without him. That is my last thought before I fall asleep in Ryan's arms.
Ok next chapter will be her dream which will be all the time leading up to the bond braking and it will end with her last sentence before the flashbacks.

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