Property of Harry Styles

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Harry Styles the richest man on the earth , he had everything! Money , the looks and the cars but one thing was missing in his life a beautiful bride , Harry looked everywhere looking to find his perfect trophy wife , one that he could show off , make sure everyone could see her beauty, he searched and searched for a beautiful Girl but he couldn't find one , no super models or models were good enough , he travelled to the last place he hadn’t searched , It was a sketty place , only poor people lived there , he ended up going to the run down apartments as a last hope , he finally knocked on apartment 100 and some parents came , they were interested that he was looking for a lady and said they had a beautiful daughter , harry wasn't so convinced but something in his stomach told him he had to , The parents took him in the flat and showed him Angel , Harry knew he had to have the beauty straight away! He gave Angel's  parents £2.5 Billion pounds , Angel's parents accept the offer needing the money , Is Angel Just Harry’s personal Barbie doll who he can play with or will he fall for Angle properly?

Property of Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now