Kick offs and the first eviction

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I woke by Stephanie nudging me "What time is it" I groaned "11 babe" She replied as I sighed before going doing my daily routine. I chucked on my All grey fashionable tracksuit and white roshes' before heading into the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of water and a couple cereal bars. I sat on the sofa besides Jeremy and he hugged me to say morning. "I cant get over how good looking you and Steph are" He chuckled with his Irish accent showing, "That's cute" I giggled whilst resting my head on his shoulder. "I know Scott has his eye on you though" He smirked "Oh yeah" I laughed as he nodded "Well Scott has his eye on anything with a fucking fanny doesn't he if were being honest" I sighed "I reck there is more to it" Gemma interrupted as I raised an eyebrow for her to continue "He gives you this look, its filled with passion and lust. He also acts weird around you" She commented "Your over thinking it, Im just another girl to him. Why do you think I'm standing back from the whole situation cause don't get me wrong he's a canni good looking lad but I'm not being used" I replied as Gemma nodded "Oh trust me, I know and i think everyone else knows what he is like but there's something beautiful waiting to happen. Believe me I can tell, you just wait because You may not admit it but your going to fall for that boy and Its going to be a blessing. He doesn't want to use you because if he did he would of tried it on by now" She smiled "I dunno, were just mates" "You'd make a gorgeous couple, I reck your so well suited and your both fun, loud, stunning, have amazing bodies, your hot, confident, dont give a shit and you have alot of stuff in common" She grinned "Maybe. But you just like hooking me up with people Gem and ITS BEEN LIKE ALMOST A WEEK!" I joked "Thats true because your a beautiful girl and I want a man to treat you how you deserve but seriously dont blow off a chance of love because your scared of people's opinions, oh and time doesnt matter sweetheart. When you like someone you know straight away" She winked before leaving. I rolled my eyes confused as Jez laughed. "What" I smirked "you basically just got told to get with Scott" He laughed as did I, "Well you can shutup I know you fancy Steph" I grinned "Fuck you" He joked "I KNEW IT!" i shouted excitedly "Oh shit wait she has a boyfriend" I stated as he nodded "Shame" He sighed.

I was lied in bed with Chris and he was buzzing that he had finally made up with his old bestfriend Dannielle, "Aw im so happy for you Chris" I smiled hugging him, we both suddenly froze as we heard shouting. "The fuck is going on" I questioned as he shrugged and dragged me to the lounge area. "No that is bang out of order!" John shouted "Its my opinion!" Winston yelled "Whats happened" I asked standing by Scott "Winston here said its child abuse for a gay couple to adopt a child!" Gemma told me "Winston thats horrible" I said covering my mouth. "The child has no choice and could be bullied for it!" He sighed obviously annoyed. "Guys lets calm down" Chris announced "No That's Vile!" John frowned "I cant be bothered with you and your nonsense!" Winston stated throwing his arms up Angrily before storming into the diary room. "Well the drama begins!" I smirked as Steph joined in "Come on Alex I reck we need a drink to sort us out!".

A few hours later I was abit tipsy aswell as Steph and a few others, Most of them were still pissed from what Winston had said but I let it go, I just wanted a fun night. "Going for a fag you coming" Scott asked as I shook my head "Ive got no shoes on just my socks" "I can sort that" He chuckled picking me up over his shoulder as my arse was near his head. "Ay I like this position" He joked before sitting me on one of the benches "Am i heavy" I asked as he shook his head "You weigh nout lass!" He replied. "Jeremy told me about your little convo with Gemma this morning" He laughed "It was well weird, Its like she wants to be a match maker or somert when its nout to do with her. Not to mention we have been here literally almost a week!" I scoffed "Well what did you say" He asked sitting besides me " I said you like anything with a fanny!" I laughed as he shook his head playfully "Oh come on Ive seen you on tv and on Ex on the beach!" I giggled "Yeah not my fault you was graphting with yar ex" He explained "Well it didnt last long!" I sighed "So your fully single" He asked "yep" I replied as he nodded "same" "Your always single Scott" I told him before crossing my legs and rubbing my arms. "You cold?" He asked as i nodded, He put his arm around me before pulling me into him "Our bets still on though" He smirked "And Im gonna win" I laughed "No chance!" He smiled "Well Scotty I know what your after". He frowned as I smirked "What to have fun with a gorgeous lass and mess about? Nout wrong with that" He grinned cheekily "Thats all you want, just sex" I stuck my tongue out "How would you know" He asked "Because Its the same with every girl" I exclaimed "Yeah well your not any other girl are you? Theres somert about ya and I dont know what but I find you fecking well attractive, we could just be mates and then see what it leads to" He stated as i shrugged "Only time will tell" I replied before he gave me a piggy back into the house.

I was washing my dishes as Angie came in with her bags packed "What ya doing" I asked confused "I'm leaving. Not putting up with this dramatic house!" She yelled as I rolled my eyes ignoring her before she stormed to the diary room. this house was kaos....                                                                           "Can all house mates take a seat in the lounge as tonights first house mate will be evicted" An announcement stated. I sat with my legs on Scott and my head on Steph as the tv came on. "Tonight we can reveal the housemates safe are: Gemma, Kristina, Darren, Dannielle, David, Nancy, Christopher, Alexia, John, Scotty T and Jeremy" We all smiled as I held Stephs hand hoping to god my bestfriend in this house would not have to leave. "The remaining house mates which are: Stephanie, Winston, Angie and Tiffany will be chosen by the house mates with one vote. The housemate with the most votes will leave the big brother house immediately" "Shit!" Stephanie frowned "This is gonna be horrible. Everyone had a card infront of them and we took turns telling the rest of us who we had chosen to avict and why. It went round until it was finally my go "Im gonna have to vote Winston. Sorry this is horrible but its for the fact that the drama will die down if you left because of the situation this morning" I sighed "Its okay" He smiled kindly before I sat down. "The house mate to be the first to leave is...." we sat in inpatient silence "WINSTON. YOU HAVE TEN SECONDS BEFORE YOU HAVE TO LEAVE!" Big brother ordered. We all said our goodbye's and it was hard knowing people were leaving already as I was just starting to like this place.

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