Day 1

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I woke and turned to see Steph was still asleep, I smiled to myself after seeing her mouth wide open as she snored. I got up and went to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and taking a quick shower before I did my daily routine of makeup and dried my hair leaving it down naturally straight, It fell into place brushing my lower back as I got changed into some skinny ripped jeans and a lacy belly top before shoving on my all white vans and joining the others in the kitchen. "Morning" I stated whilst taking a seat at the counter, "Morning love" They replied as i realized Stephanie, Jeremy and Gemma were the only ones still in bed. "You want some sausage" Scott asked "Excuse me" I laughed raising my eyebrow. "I know you fancy the fuck out of me but could you not be so dirty"  He smirked nodding to the sausage butty in his hands. "In your dreams but yeah im starvin" I winked as he chuckled shaking his head before handing me the plate. "I must admit your a good cook" I smiled after taking a bite into the food, "I am good at a few things" He joked as I rolled my eyes "Your so big headed" "Hey, theres nout wrong with being happy and proud of yourself" He grinned "Shutup" I laughed "Its like if you turned round and went I like the way i look or if you called yourself hot who is to judge you because its obvious you are" he stated raising his eyebrows "what a flirt you are but your not to bad yourself" i smirked before taking a seat next to Kristina and leaving him with a huge grin on his face.

Everyone was eventually up and we were all mainly seated around the house in different conversations, I was currently sat in Mine and Steph's bed along with Jeremy and Scott. It was obvious Us four were the closet in this house due to our age and personalities. I could tell straight away that Jeremy fancied Stephanie and he didnt seem to try and hide it. "So your happy with your boyfriend" Jez asked as Stephanie nodded, they would flirt alot but I didnt think anything of it as she has a boyfriend and Jeremy knows that. 'This is Big Brother could all Housemates go to the lounge Immediately' I jumped on Jeremy's back as we all took seats  on the sofa's. 'Today you will be taking part in a talent show, Tiffany, David and Angie will be judging. You can either work alone or in pairs. You have two hours to prepare" Big Brother told us. I decided to work with Steph and we were doing a Amy Wine-house song and dancing sexy to it. "Yes! We sang great!" I grinned hugging her " I didnt know you could sing like that!" Steph said in awe as I blew her a kiss.

Everyone took a seat on the benches apart from the three judges, Gemma and Chris went up dancing dirty to a song, I cheered and sang along and everyone clapped when finished. The judges gave there opinions and it went on like this for a while until it was mine and Stephanie's go. We stood back to back and began singing as the music started. We danced sexily and everyone was cheering "You go Girls!" Gemma shouted. We finished and heard the judges opinions "Now that is what you call sexy!" Tiffany smiled as me and Steph high five'd "Alexia i am took away by the sound of your voice. It's amazing! and you both sounded and danced great together" David complimented as we nodded in appreciation. "Well I thought that your crazily sexy moves went perfectly with your voices and your both stunning girls" Angie smiled. "Thanks guys!" I stated before taking a seat. 

Next up was Jeremy and Scott and they began dancing to the song from Magic Mike. They were dancing dirty and looked hilarious as they had tutu's on. "WOOOO!" i cheered as they danced with each other and Jeremy twirked on Scotty. me and Steph laughed our heads off until Scott came and grabbed my hand and Jeremy Grabbed Steph. They sat us both on a chair and began dancing around us i laughed as Scott sat on my knee dancing sexily. I looked into his eyes giggling as he had a massive smirk on his face. "I told you that you fancied me" He whispered in my ear "In your dreams" I laughed quietly as he winked "I'm gonna get you to admit it just wait". We were now all sat waiting as David stood to announce the winners "We have agreed that the winners are...." "Alexia and Stephanie!" Tiffany stated "YEY!" Steph grinned hugging me "Thanks guy!" I smiled "Well done " Everyone clapped "Well deserved" Scott smiled as I jumped, hugging him as i wrapped my legs around him, he rocked me side to side before putting me down, "yano Scotty" i smirked "What" he asked "Im the one that is gonna make you admit you like me, not the other way round" I winked as he chuckled ruffling my hair, "We will see who wins" He smiled as we shook hands on our bet.                                                             "So if this is a bet what is the winner gonna get" Steph asked as it was the four of us again sat in the bedroom. "If i win you have to make me breakfast every day" I grinned as he nodded "Right well when i win You have to be me sleeping buddy" He smirked as Jeremy and Steph laughed, "What do you mean when you win you little shit!" I scoffed as they laughed "Fine your on but remember Scotty if you did win which you wont its 'Sleeping' buddy" I huffed jokingly "We will see about that" Jeremy laughed as i threw a cushion at his head. Not long after we all eventually got some sleep.

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