Around the World

330 17 4

 Hey Guys, Quinn here. So, today for the first time ever I looked at this story's "demographics" Ffor you which don't know what these are I'll breifly explain. Basically it is a chart of perchantages of certain reader qualites like gender, age, and nationality.  While looking at these I truly realized how amazing this all is. There is so many differnt people who read my stupidity! Like I never knew most of you readers are female! Like over half! Or how most of you are teenagers. It's really cool to see such a wide variety of people read this rinky dinky story I wrote for the heck of it XD Now, my favorite part was seeing that people from 34 countries read this book. I literally was so happy. I even ran up to my friend screaming " SWEDISH PEOPLE READ MY BOOK! AND PEOPLE FROM AFRICA AND NORWAY. AND EVEN PEOPLE FROM CHINA!" It is just so amazing to look at these stats and see people from Bangladesh (Shout out to all of you in Bangladesh :) ) have read this story. I'm just really glad. Not only that, but just how many people have read this. Around 12,700 people! When I first wrote this, I literally expected like 5 reads from my friends, but now this. I'm literally fangirling over it XD Well, that's enough of my tiny happy lecture! BYEEEEEEEEEE~

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