Situations and mates?

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The video on the side is just for your entertainment!!


Edward’s POV-

(At Charlie’s house)

I heard every word that went through her mind before it came out of her mouth; Veronica was always like this, mean, disrespectful and uncaring. She wanted to party and hated that she has kids. She likes to go out of town on “business trips” to party until 2 am and have one night stands with random guys. I’m surprised that Charlie hasn’t figured it out yet, the kids aren’t his.

          It makes me mad the way she treats her step-daughter, but it’s common these days. I stayed in the car and listened to her voice, Bella’s sweet voice, as she cussed out her step-mom.  She came back fuming and as we drove back I knew that Charlie’s not going to like this. I pulled up and as quickly as I could established that my family that I’ve known for centuries, aren’t happy with me. Except for Alice, she was happy to spend money and play dress up with the human.


I walked through the doorway and am immediately attacked with questions.

“Why do I smell a human?” Jasper asked.

“Where is she?” Alice demanded.

“What is going on?” Carlisle demanded.

“Umm we have a situation and it’s not as bad as you think it is, just try to understand.” I quickly explained to them our new situation and halfway through Rose stormed out with Emmett on her heels.

“Edward, you should’ve called me. I could’ve helped you and Bella make Veronica understand that she’s wrong.” Carlisle said, gripping my shoulder in an understanding gesture.

“Carlisle, I think she’s my mate. We can’t let her go back there she’s homeless, probably hungry and in need of more clothes.” I whispered to him, knowing that everyone could hear me clearly.

“Well, don’t be rude, bring her in Edward.” Esme said shooing me away.

I went back to my truck and she was asleep, I guess the explaining went on longer than I thought it would.

“Bella, wake up.” I said shaking her shoulder. “Bella.”

“Okay, I’m up happy!” She gave me one of the cutest annoyed faces I’ve ever seen.

“Yes, I am happy. Are you ready to meet my family?” I asked.

Her face was funny, her eyes big, mouth slightly open.

“You want me to meet your family now? I’m a mess Edward!” She said gesturing to her severely wrinkled outfit, cuts and bruises, and matted hair.

“They won’t care Bella.” I assured her as I guided her to the front porch.

I opened the door and ushered her inside. Esme welcomed Bella with a hug and asking if she was hungry. Alice danced over and demanded that they go shopping immediately. Carlisle was probably in his library, waiting for us in there to tend to her wounds. Jasper had disappeared, he’s probably out hunting.

After Esme stuffed Bella full of her pancakes, we went to go find Carlisle; he helped tend to her wounds and sent us on a house tour.

“Let me show you my room. Then we’ll work out with Esme where you can sleep.” I told her as I escorted her into my

“I like your collection of music and books. Classically cool.” She ran her fingers across the spines of the books.

After the tour of my room, and the rest of the house we went down to the kitchen where Esme was baking cupcakes.

“Oh, Bella, just let me just finish icing these cupcakes and then I’ll show you where you’re gonna sleep.” 


Thank you for reading. Next update will be sometime next week. What do y'all think Bella's room should look like???

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