Death or Life ?

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Authors Note :
  Last update ko ay nung january 2 kaya naman pasensya at salamat sa mga nag mmsg sakin na mag update na. Sorry talaga hehe.


  Jeremiah 21:8-10

" 8 Furthermore, tell the people, ' This is what the LORD says : See I am setting before you the way of Life and the way of Death. 9 Whoever stays in this city will die by the sword, famine or plague. But whoever goes out and surrenders to the Babylonians who are besieging you will live ; he will escape with his life . 10 I have determined to do this city harm and not good declares the LORD. It will be given into the hands of the King of Babylon and he will destroy it with fire "

This chapter is about the Battle of the people in Judah and the people in Babylon.

  The Babylonians were strong and ready to conquer the city of Judah.

   However Jeremiah says to the people what the LORD told him.

  And that is the verse above.

There are two options :
1. to stay in the City and experience Death
2. to leave the city and have a Life

Lets have an illustration.
For example the City is the Place were we are right now. Its our comfort zone.

But then ...

The LORD wants us to leave the City .. he want us to go beyond to the place that we've never been before .

Because if we stay .. Our minds will be polluted with the evil. And if we go out to the city and go to the Babylonian (in the verse)  or the LORD (in our illustration ) we can continue our Life ..

But ..

We are mastered by the Babylonians or we will let the LORD mastered us.

So what will you choose?

Death ~ stay in the city (your comfort zone) and soon you will experience all the evil things .. and the kindling fire .


Life ~ were in you will let the Babylonians be your master. Which is to my illustration is the LORD our GOD.

Death is choosing our own desire .. while Life is about choosing the will of the LORD to reign in you.

In my case .. i choose to get out to the City and Go to the Babylonians.

I choose the LORD to let his will be done. :)

Remember :
Make a decision that you will not suffer.

Go out to the city.
Let the LORD be your Master.
Have a LIFE with him.
Forget all your desires.
Let His will be Done.

  Thanks for reading! Comments are highly appreciated. :)

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