Chapter 9: "Telling Ron"

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Harry's Pov;

It's been almost a month since Draco and I have started dating and I couldn't be happier.

Hermione is still the only one that knows about the two of us but I don't know how long that will last. Ron is my best mate, he needs to know and soon.

Hermione has been pestering me about it, I don't know how much longer she'll last with keeping this a secret.

"Ron needs to know, Harry." She lectured me.

"I know 'mione."

"Then tell him. He will accept you. You know that. He won't care that you're gay." She comforted me rubbing my shoulder.

We were sat in the common room on the sofa just watching the fireplace.

"It's not that I'm afraid he won't accept me... I'm just nervous in general." I admitted looking away from her.

"Everything will be fine, the sooner you tell him, the easier it'll be." She was right... I need to tell him.

"I'll tell him today, after lunch okay? I just need to talk to Draco first." I told her.

She nodded in agreement. "Okay. You better do it Harry or I'll drag you to him myself."

"Don't worry, I will. Thank you Hermione."

"No problem Harry."

After our little conversation I went to find Draco. He told me he would be in the library all day studying for O.W.L.S.

I found him in the far end of the library wrapped up in a book on the window sill.

I stopped where I stood and admired him. Droplets of light fell on his face. He was wearing black, slim fitting dress pants, and a black v-neck. My boyfriend is beautiful.

He hadn't noticed me yet and I smiled. I quietly walked up to him and he jumped when he saw me lean in and gently kiss him on the lips.

"Hello to you too." He smiled up at me.

I sat beside him and rested my head on his bent knees.

"Hello beautiful." I flirted he was still reading his book. Well at least trying to make it seem like he was.

He blushed and pet my head.

"How's studying" I asked Draco.

He looked up from his book and set it down beside him. "Boring, but better now that you're here."

"Cheesy" I teased, lightly pushing his leg. In all honesty I was blushing like crazy and was trying to hide my embarrassment.

"Shut up" He winked and shook his head.

"I don't think that's possible" I joked back.

He leaned forward so he was a few centimeters from my face. "I think I know a way to shut you up" He flirted looking down at my lips and back up again.

"Let's see it then" I glanced down at his lips.

"D-"he leaned in closer whispering. "ar-" even closer. "l-" He's killing me. "ing." He pressed his lips to mine.

His hand rubbed soothingly on my leg.

He nibbled on my lip before pulling back and grabbing his book again.

I sat there with my eyes closed and lips still slightly parted. Breathing heavily.

My cheeks were burning in blush.

I felt Draco staring at me. I just continued to sit there lips parted, eyes closed.

I felt his breath against my face. Meaning he had leaned closer again.

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