Chapter 9

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My mind ran wild with thoughts of Nick. Why was he so persistent about getting me to go tonight? Could Venus have been right? That he might be somewhat interested?

Stepping off the elevator, I waved at the receptionist while running toward my office, quite surprised that she actually waved back this time. She must have gotten laid or something.

Once seated at my desk, I looked out at the bay and felt immense regret for turning down what might have been a great evening. Trying not to dwell on it for too long, I immediately dove into my pile of work.

After two hours, I gave up. No matter how much I tried to concentrate, it seemed useless. Intense green eyes undressing me and a suggestive curl of those sexy lips were all I could think about. The mental image alone had my hormones in a state of anxiety.

Jesus, Tara, get a grip on yourself.

I didn't know what was going through his mind when I stormed off, but when I looked back, the look in his eyes left an imprint on my soul. I had never been so drawn to someone as I was to Nick. It was as if I was trapped by his enchantment.

I quickly dismissed the thoughts and tried really hard to focus back on work.

I looked over at the time on my computer. It was nearly four o'clock. Fifteen minutes left to finally get out of there. Maybe after a drink, I would relax a little and stop thinking so much about him. After I interrogated the hell out of Venus, that is.

Venus and I decided to meet at a waterfront lounge in Brickell. Since I worked in the downtown area, I arrived before she did. It was my first time at the place, but my friends always raved about it, especially Venus, so I had to see what the hype was all about.

Walking into the chic lounge, I headed straight for the bar. I already loved this place. The music was great and so was the atmosphere, full of mature professionals.

I drummed my nails on the counter while watching the bartender closely as he prepared a Long Island iced tea for me. You could never be too sure who would put what in your drink. Even at a posh place like this. He walked over to me and I took the glass from his hand, slipping him a twenty dollar bill. Then I took a seat on one of the lounge chairs overlooking the water, waiting for my best friend's arrival.

"So what do you think of the place?" Venus plopped down on the chair beside me while sipping from a glass of wine.

She nearly startled me to death.

"You were right," I chuckled inwardly, "it's really nice."

"How was work?" From the grin on her face, I could tell what she really meant to ask was if there had been any updates on Nick.

"Work is work. Now, quit stalling and tell me what happened after I left the other day." The anticipation was killing me.

"He just kept asking me things about you."

"What kind of things?" She had my full attention.

"He asked how long we've been friends and where you were from. Then he asked why you were with Alex."

"What?" My eyes bulged out as I almost spilt my drink. "Why would he want to know that?" I avoided her eyes. If I looked at her, she'd see I was trying to hide things from her and begin with the million questions, and I was in no mood for that.

Why the fuck was he interrogating my friend about Alex?

"I told you. He's most likely into you, but of course you don't believe that because you are so damn negative." She shook her head while sipping on her wine. "He's young, hot, and loaded. You are smart, funny, and beautiful. Do you see the picture I am trying to paint here?"

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