Chapter 3: Abigail

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Mr. Gansey,
I would like to formally accept your admittance into our weight loss program. I would like for you to come to the address at the bottom of this message and ask for me at the front desk. Please be there at the appointed time of 12:30 on Saturday January 23, 2016. If you have any questions, please save them for our meeting on the given date and time before.
-Abigail Williams
* * * * * *
All week has been gruesome. I've been ignoring all of Kacy's texts and calls. My grandmother called and asked why and I explained my plan to her. She understood. I told her to just tell Kacy that I didn't want to talk to him and hang up if he calls them anymore. The bullying has become worse for some reason, mostly done by women though. I don't understand that. Why are women so mean to me?
-So, you won't be playing anymore?-
-Yeah. Not for a while at least.-
-Is this about Kacy?-
Yes. -No. I am doing this for myself.-
He doesn't reply. I put my phone back in my pocket and sigh as I wait for my stop to be announced. It was fifteen minutes later when I got off the bus. I found the building and just as I was about to walk in, my phone beeped.
-I believe in you.-
I smile as I read it over a few times more before entering the building and going to the front desk. "Uhm, I'm looking for Abigail Williams?"
The man at the desk looks up at me with a glare. "Do you have an appointment?"
I nod timidly. "12:30," I squeak out. He's scary.
He lets out a sigh that proves he is irritated with me though I haven't done anything aside from talk to him. Maybe that's it then. "Name?"
"Reeve Gansey."
He scrolls on his computer and makes a few clicks then says, "I'll call her. Go sit down until she arrives."
I nod and turn around, heading to the waiting area. As I sat there, I got three calls from Kacy. I ignored them all. I didn't even bother looking at the texts. I don't need him distracting me. I am doing this so I can swoop in and sweep him off his feet, taking him away from Jack in the process. My head snaps up from my phone when I hear someone calling me.
"Mr. Gansey?" A woman walks up to me with a huge smile on her face.
I nod and she looks relieved. I wonder why.
"I'm Abigail Williams. I'm very glad that you could make it today. I want to talk more about this with you, in my office. Please follow me."
I do and we walk through many hallways to get there.
I take a seat in front of her desk as she takes a seat behind it.
"So, Mr. Gansey, I would like to know your reason for wanting to be in this program. Family issues? Relationship?"
"Uhh, relationship, sort of."
She nods. "Can you please explain more? I would like to have more knowledge on your situation so I can better understand why you are here."
I sigh and spill my guts just like I did with Beau. It was harder for me to explain to her because I just met her, but I need to tell her so she can help me.
When I'm done, she smiles and giggles. "I'm glad you came to me for help, but I have to tell you, his feelings towards you will most likely stay the same. If they do change, it'll be because he is seeing a new you. I'm sorry to be so rude about it, but he will still love the new you the way he loves the old you."
I sigh. I know that. I just didn't want to say it. "I know. I'm prepared for whatever happens. I just have to get him out of that situation and I can't do that in the state I am in."
She sits there staring at me, thinking. "Why not just call he cops?"
"I've tried. They said that unless it is verbally stated by the victim or the act is caught in action, they can't do anything," I explain. I've tried talking to the police, my parents, and even the man himself! Nothing is working.
She gives me an apologetic smile. "I understand. Let's move on then, shall we?" She asks.
I nod and she starts going through the workout schedule and writes out a diet plan for me while I'm at home.
"Well, that is, unless,you would rather stay here at the facility. Many people find it easier to keep on routine while living here."
"That would definitely be easier, wouldn't it?" I mumble to myself. I wouldn't have to take the bus here and I can just do the rest of my classes online. "Yeah, if I could, I would like to stay here."
She smiles. "Great! Let me show you to the room you will be staying in. This isn't a big place, but the rooms are pretty nice for how small they are. They are just like small apartments. You won't have to interact with people if that isn't your cup of tea." I follow her out and to an elevator. When we get to the top floor, she leads me down to a room almost at the end of the hall. A few more doors down are the emergency stairs.
She notices m looking towards he stairs and says, "Some people use the stairs for exercise. They are very helpful, but if you plan on using them for that reason, I would like you to wait until you know your body can handle it. They are steep and there's a lot of them."
We go into the room after she unlocks the door. I look around and the first thing I notice is the wall of glass that shows an over view of the city. She shows me around and after, she hands me the keys and the paperwork with my schedule and diet plan on it.
"You can move in whenever you want, but he schedule starts on Wednesday so you can get settled into the new place. Have a great day, Mr. Gansey. I look forward to helping you in this journey." With that, she leaves.


"We'll have someone put this in storage for you, baby. You just grab the things you need and we'll get going."
I nod and do as told. I take my suitcase of the clothes I'll need and my laptop bag. We get in the car and she drives me to my new home. She takes me to the residents entrance, that I was shown by that guy that seems to hate just looking at me. He is there waiting for me for some reason. I get out and give him a questioning look.
"It was demanded of me to help you take your things to your room," he says with an uninterested sigh.
"With that attitude, I'm assuming you don't do this kind of work all the time," my grandmother says as she walks past him.
His eyes go wide and he follows after her, trying to get her to give him the suitcase she had just stolen from me. So he's nice towards old women? Great. All I have to do now is change my gender and wait for about 30 years and he'll stop treating me like trash. Sounds like a plan.
I follow them in and to the elevator where he is still trying to convince her to hand over the suitcase. "She's not gonna give it to you," I tell him.
He glares at me. "Why not?" He asks as if she isn't right there.
I shrug. "She's a stubborn, old, bat."
"You-" My grandmother yells and smacks me as I laugh at her reaction.
For a second, I thought I saw a small smile on his face, but I disappeared as fast as it appeared, replaced by his usual glare.
After helping me take my stuff up to my new home, I walk my grandma back down to her car.
"Okay, baby. Call me if you need anything." She gets in and closes the door, but rolls the window down. "What do I do if Kacy calls or comes by, asking for you?" She asks with worry.
I sigh. "Just tell him I'm not ready to talk to him."
She nods. "Okay, baby. I love you. Dad will call you tonight to make sure you're alright."
I smile. "Okay. I love you too."

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