Chapter 1 : High School Never Ends

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When I woke up this morning, I found the notification light flashing on my phone ad checked it. It was a text message and an email. The text message being from Kacy, which read:
-Jack asked me to move in with him. I don't know if I should. I won't be able to see you as much because of how far he lives. Text me back when you wake up. I want to know what you think I should do.-
I feel my chest tighten as I read it. I go on to the email and see it's from a friend on Xbox live, Beau:
-Hey, bro. Get on soon. These piece of shit kids keep talking shit.-
I laugh. He's always starting fights with kids online. We've never met in person before, but I've known him for a few years now. We never shared any information about ourselves aside from our names and age. We met one day while playing Call of Duty: Ghosts. Our relationship grew from just teammates to friends. We exchanged emails, but the one I gave him is an alternative I use for shenanigans. Neither of us have asked for more than that.
I look back at the message and see that it was only sent a few minutes ago.
Hmm. I have a couple hours before my first class starts. I can play for a while.
* * * * * *
"Hey, dude, shouldn't you start getting ready for class soon?" Beau asks.
I glance at the clock on the wall an curse under my breath. "Yeah. Sorry. I'll email you later."
"Got it. I'll just be here, wasting my life away. Just like these fucking goddamn kids!" He yelled the last sentence to the kids that could hear him. I shut off the console and begin getting ready for another day of being made fun of. As I get ready, I can't help but let my mind wander back to that text from Kacy. Jack wants Kacy to live with him? Why? Easier to hit him when he can't run away? Jack is pathetic. I've only met him a few times, but fuck that guy. He hurts my best friend knowing that he won't do anything back.
I wish I could try to help, but I would just get beaten to a pulp. That guy scares me. I honestly don't see what Kacy sees in him. Even before I found out that he was beating up Kacy.
I sigh as I grab my backpack. I grab my phone and keys from the coffee table where I left them and head out.
The walk to the campus was obviously short and painful. My eating has recently gone out of control, well more than before, and my lower body is having trouble keeping the rest of me up. My legs aren't strong at all.
I made it to my first class five minutes early so I tried to get a seat closest to he back. I I sit and wait with all of my supplies out and ready, many people walk past, sending me glares or rude remarks. Mostly about why I can't sit closer because I would probably break the stairs. I sighed. High school really never ends. Thanks Bowling For Soup.
I listened closely as the professor lectured and took all the notes necessary.
After this class ended I hurried in packing my things before making my way to the next building for my next class and the rest of the day went by like before. As I made my way off campus at the end of the day, I stopped in front of the bakery I always go to after class. I can't go in, Kacy would kill me. Hmm. I should've saved some of that pie. I turn and head to the exit then turn ad go down the street to the small market store that I usually go to buy dinner if I don't get fast food or anything. See, sweets aren't the only thing I over eat on.
* * * * * *
"Hey, Ree! You here?" Kacy yells from the living room.
I come out from the bathroom where I had just finished dressing after a shower. "I'm here."
He smiles brightly and pulls me into our usual greeting hug.
For some reason, he lingers a bit longer than usual. What's wrong? "Oh! About the text this morning-"
"Don't worry about it," he says, cutting me off. "I've decided that I'll move in with him. You don't need me here every single day, after all," he says in a cold tone of speaking.
My heart clenches. Is he serious? I can't stop him, so I should just accept it. "Okay. You're right."
An emotion flashes across his face, but before I can determine what it was, he changes his expression. "You understand then. I may only be ale to make it a few times a week."
Before we can even sit down and watch a movie like every time he visits,hi phone rings and he answers it. "Yeah...Okay...I'll meet you there then...I love you too." He hangs up and gives me a small, sad smile. "I'm sorry, Ree. Jack wants to start bringing my things to his place, so I gotta go or he can't get into the dorm. I'll call you later, okay?"
I only nod. If I try to speak, I'll probably say something cruel.
He grabs my face in his hands and forces me to look up at him. He looks so sad. "Don't worry, Ree. We can watch the movie next time, okay? I love you. Eat an actual dinner tonight. No junk food. I'll try to come by tomorrow." He gently kisses my forehead then leaves.
I trudge to my room and plop down on my bed. I let out a deep sigh and just s I'm about to close my eyes, my phone dings, signaling a new notification. I pull it from my pocket and check to see that I received a email from Beau.
-Hey, man, what's wrong? You usually email me by now. Are you okay? Are you dead?-
I reply, letting him know I'm alive and that I'm not in the mood to play today. He's gonna have to go after those other players alone.
-Bad day?-
-Want to talk about it? We're friends, dude, so you can talk to me...-
I ended up spilling my guts to him. Not leaving out the parts where Kacy didn't look as happy as he sounded. Beau took a while to reply, I wasn't sure if he intended to, but his reply was simple and outspoken.
-Do what you think is right.-
I've already thought of that! I want to confront Jack, but I can't! I'd confront Kacy, but what if he is being threatened by Jack and I can't help him if that's true. What I think is right, might be completely wrong. I don't want to hurt Kacy more than Jack already has.
I tell Beau that I'm going to go to bed and he says goodnight and that he will be out killing people double for me. I chuckled and set my phone on the nightstand and drifted to sleep with Beau, Kacy, and Jack swirling through my mind. It was nice having Beau as a friend. He did such a great thing, letting me empty my thoughts and feelings onto him like that. I'd do the same for him now that he has for me. The advice he gave me was simple, yet not. I don't know how I am going to help Kacy, but I know I will try with everything I have to get him away from Jack and safe.

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