Chapter 15 part 2

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sorry for the wait.. here it is. upload again sooner, promise. <3......


Alexi heard Devlin shout to him from somewhere down shore. He came running because it sounded urgent.

"Alexi! Look!" 

Alexi looked where Devlin was pointing and just off in the hazey distance he saw a ship bobbing in the ocean heading inland. Not just any ship. His ship. He'd recognize that beautiful ship anywhere. His men had finally come. About damn time.

As the ship approached them he watched as smaller boats were lowered and came to shore. The first man off the boat was William James, one of his faithful crew members. He proceeded to greet him rather informally by throwing his arms around him in a tight hug.

As more of his crew unloaded and began to check on the wellness of the crew that'd been stranded on the island, Alexi and Devlin filled the crew in on what was going on. 

Caitlin had gone missing. They'd discoverd that early on and had searched tirelessly for her. Not too long after they'd found out she was gone a ship had been spotted off in the distance flying the jolly roger. He could only assume that Richard had re-captured Caitlin. 

Now with the arrival of his very own ship Alexi was beside himself with excitement at the thought of being able to pursue his wife and rescue her yet again. 

The woman needed rescuing more than anyone he'd ever encountered in his life. He'd been scared earlier that he may never be able to rescue her because they would never get off this godforsaken island. Apparently there was some sort of devine intervention of his behalf as within the hour he was on his way to his ship and setting off to find the pirate ship that held his wife.

As soon as Alexi and his men spotted the pirate ship they were quick to try and slow down so they could have the element of surprise. They were far enough away that as they ventured closer to the island instead of further out to see they were slightly concealed by the shape of the island itself. 

The foolish pirate hadn't decided to set sail yet. Why?

As the darkness began to fill the sky Alexi and his men came up with a plan for rescuing Caitlin. This time there would be no men left behind. It wasn't and option. Everyone would go. Everyone would get away from this damn island and they would head home as soon as it was humanly possible to do so.

As the final strands of light faded and the stars begain to pop out in all of their glory Alexi again lead several of his men to the smaller row boats and on their way to the ship ahead of them.

Alexi quickly and quietly rowed alongside Devlin and a few other men to the side of the pirate ship. They'd been less cautious last time they'd made a rescue attempt and they each were trying to be as stealthy as they could on the water. Their boat crashed roughly against the side of the ship and Alexi was certain their cover was blown.

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