Chapter Two-The Zombie Containment Authority-July 18, 2013

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The Zombie Containment Authority, (ZCA) HQ's,

July 18, 2013,

9:09 am

"The Zombies are faster...worse".

    "How do you know?".

    "The biting is extreme. The scientist in the Louisiana swamp who kept them in his Lab in secret...and set Them off to kill law abiding American citizens...was mad".

    "And Former US Army General Gretel Harding's parents were the first victims a year or so ago".


    "Then why now?".

    "Because America is falling apart. The President is dead. And we're in chaos".

    "But can the next President stop Them?".


    "Then how do we kill Them?".

     "By shooting the Zombies in the head. Not radiation".

     "And if that fails?".

     "We'll find other ways to kill the Undead".


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