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Amber's P.O.V

        My breath was caught in the back of my throat and I felt it run dry. I wanted desperately to go after Jovana but it felt like my feet were frozen in place.

I would've never thought Jovana would be so cruel and manipulative. Obviously Cameron was just another hook up and I don't understand how this could affect her so much. Like she's already hooked up with Jack so I don't understand why it's such a big deal.

        Jack wouldn't do this, he wouldn't hook up with my so called best friend would he? No he wouldn't I trust him.

      I take a deep breath and lay back down in my bed silently convincing myself that Jack wasn't going to break the little trust we built. I start to believe myself, I start to believe that he's not gonna touch her, that's he's not gonna look at her, and that he wasn't going to fuck me over.

       That was until I started to hear low groans and high pitched moans. My heart felt like it stopped, like it shattered into a million different pieces that could never be renewed.

It was almost like I was too hurt to cry, like I ran out of tears. But nothing hurt more than what I was hearing.

It's like having a boyfriend that you love and a best friend that you look at as a sister sleep together. And their not doing it behind your back, they want you to hear. Their doing it to intentionally hurt you.

The only difference is, jacks not my boyfriend. No matter how desperately I want it to happen, it's not going to.

He gets all mad and booty hurt when I sleep with someone. He'll feed me some bullshit lie to make me feel like he actually cares and feel horrible about sleeping with someone else. When he turns around and does the exact same thing, feeling no remorse about it.

A wave of anger and sadness washes over me as tears finally start to form in my eyes. They only get louder and the sound of the headboard beating against the wall becomes more intense.

More tears stream down my cheeks as I block out the sound of everything around me and listen to music.

Treat me like somebody by tink begins to play through my ear buds and I immediately snuggle under my blanket.

'Somebody real is hard to find.
Somebody worth all your time.
Somebody who can tell you the truth.
Someone who loves you for you.
Someone who knows all of your flaws and
doesn't impose, try to control them.
Let's you be free.
Doesn't deceive.
They give you a chance to believe.
Believe in something'

Tears run freely from my eyes as I hide my face under the pillow.

'Is that too much?
'Cause I've been on the search and I'm losing my hope.
Is that too much? Is that too much?
Trying to find love in a world so cold.
Is that too much?
I just want an answer, I can't be the only one.
Is that too much?
You ain't got to be perfect!
Just give me a purpose to love'

My eyes begin to swell and then all of a sudden my music stops playing. I look at my phone through my wet eyelashes and blurry vision and realize that I never charged my phone last night.

I sigh in annoyance as I hook my phone up to the charger and gradually make my way towards the bathroom.

My face is drained of any color and emotion, my eyes are big and puffy, my nose is stuffy, and my hair looks a mess. I splash my face with water and fix the hair that was on top of my head before strolling down stairs

As I'm make my way down stairs I noticed Jack in the kitchen. He was shirtless and had beads of sweat starting to form, with messy hair and red scratches on his back.

He looked up at me for a split second before he refocused his attention to his phone not even giving me the time a day. Tears threatened to fall but I was forced to hold them back.

"I can't believe you went and fucked my best friend." I said lowly.

"What?" He asked as he diverted his attention towards me.

"Why couldn't you have hooked up with her when I wasn't here? Why did you have to do it while I was in the same house, forcing me to listen?" I asked.

He stayed silent.

"It's like every time where making progress we always take two steps back because of your stupid shit." I yelled trying my absolute hardest not to let any tears slip.

"What if it was the other way around? What if I was fucking one of your best friends, while you were still here forcing you to hear everything. How would that feel." I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest.

His eyes immediately went straight to my boobs and he started staring immensely before I moved my arms breaking the gaze.

"I honestly wouldn't care." He shrugged.

"You're lying, I know you are. What about everything you told me? How you only wanted me. If that was true then you wouldn't have done what you literally just did." I said.

"Baby." He said as he took steps closer to me.

"I seriously couldn't care less. I only said that so that I could get you to fuck me more. And I don't want to see you running around spreading your legs for the whole goddamn school. To be one hundred percent honest I still feel the same way about you, when you slept with Sam. You're a little hoe and I seriously just wanted to fuck you, and I got what I wanted...twice." He winked before walking upstairs.

I don't know if he was serious or if he just wanted to make me cry more than I already have. But when he looked into my eyes, I could see all the hurt that I caused him. And he's trying to hurt me the same amount that I hurt him.


I finished my first chapter of my next book, and I'm so excited to publish it! Can't wait!

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